The Night Bus Hero | 誠品線上

The Night Bus Hero

作者 Onjali Q. Rauf
商品描述 The Night Bus Hero:《TheBoyAttheBackoftheClass》作者OnjaliQ.Raúf作品青少年Hector的父母因為慈善工作而頻繁到世界各地出差。Hector有一個自律的姐姐和一個弟弟,和幾


內容簡介 《The Boy At the Back of the Class》 作者Onjali Q. Raúf作品 青少年Hector的父母因為慈善工作而頻繁到世界各地出差。Hector有一個自律的姐姐和一個弟弟,和幾位班上愛玩的「好」朋友。Hector常分不清是玩笑還是惡作劇,拿捏不好分際,而常常成為班上的霸凌發動者。有一天,Hector向同學炫耀,自己趁一名街友不注意時,將街友身旁的手推車推進湖裡,並把車內的物品藏到樹上。這個惡作劇被班上女同學看到。從女同學口中,Hector得知這名流浪漢其實是搶劫案的頭頭,而他現在在一家餐廳做廚房義工。為了減輕罪惡感,Hector開始關注這些無家可歸的流浪者們,證明自己不是惡霸,而是英雄。 From Onjali Q. Rauf, the award-winning and best-selling author of The Boy at the Back of the Class, comes another incredible story, told with humour and heart. 'The boy's an absolute menace.' 'He's a bully. A lost cause!' 'Why can't he be more like his sister?' I've been getting into trouble for as long I can remember. Usually I don't mind 'cos some of my best, most brilliant ideas have come from sitting in detention. But recently it feels like no one believes me about anything - even when I'm telling the truth! And it's only gotten worse since I played a prank on the old man who lives in the park. Everyone thinks I'm just a bully. They don't believe I could be a hero. But I'm going to prove them all wrong... Told from the perspective of a bully, this book explores themes of bullying and homelessness, while celebrating kindness, friendship and the potential everyone has to change for the good.


作者介紹 Onjali Q. RaúfOnjali Q. Raúf is the founder of Making Herstory, an organisation mobilising men, women and children from all walks of life to tackle the abuse and trafficking of women and girls in the UK and beyond. She is also the founder of O's Refugee Aid Team, which provides support for refugee families surviving in Calais and Dunkirk.She is an award-winning and best-selling author of books for children that tackle the issues of today. Her titles include The Boy at the Back of the Class, The Star Outside My Window, The Night Bus Hero, and a 2020 World Book Day title that's a follow up to The Boy at the Back of the Class, called The Day We Met the Queen.


書名 / The Night Bus Hero
作者 / Onjali Q. Rauf
簡介 / The Night Bus Hero:《TheBoyAttheBackoftheClass》作者OnjaliQ.Raúf作品青少年Hector的父母因為慈善工作而頻繁到世界各地出差。Hector有一個自律的姐姐和一個弟弟,和幾
ISBN13 / 9781510106772
ISBN10 / 1510106774
EAN / 9781510106772
誠品26碼 / 2682007169003
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X12.8X2.6CM
級別 / N:無