Paddington 20-copy illustrated box set (20冊合售) | 誠品線上

Paddington 20-copy illustrated box set (20冊合售)

作者 Michael Bond
商品描述 Paddington 20-copy illustrated box set (20冊合售):【派丁頓熊】20冊豪華珍藏書盒英國兒童文學家麥可.龐德於1958年出版《一隻叫派丁頓的熊》之後,60多年來,真摯善良


內容簡介 【派丁頓熊】20冊豪華珍藏書盒打開充滿驚喜的紅色寶盒!七彩繽紛的精裝小書給孩子帶來滿滿幸福,喜歡柑橘醬三明治的可愛小熊即將進駐你的日常生活囉!備好美味的三明治與小熊熱愛的可可,挑一日下午翻開書本與派丁頓熊相做伴吧~英國兒童文學家麥可.龐德於1958年出版《一隻叫派丁頓的熊》之後,60多年來,真摯善良又時常搞烏龍的派丁頓熊已經成為家喻戶曉的大明星,帶給各世代大小讀者許多歡樂,不只發展出多本圖畫書、十四本小說,並躍上大銀幕,甚至在2022年與英國女王伊莉莎白二世合拍影片、共進下午茶,慶祝女王登基70周年!英國兒童文學家麥可.龐德一生共有150多本創作。1997年他獲頒大英帝國官佐勳章,以表彰他在兒童文學上的傑出貢獻,2015年更獲頒大英帝國司令勳章。書籍列表:《Paddington》《Paddington at the Zoo》《Paddington at St Paul's》《Paddington and the Marmalade Maze》《Paddington at the Palace》《Paddingtonat the Tower》《Paddington and the Grand Tour》《Paddington At The Carnival》《Paddington Goes for Gold》《Paddington and the Christmas Surprise》《Paddington and the Marmalade Maze》《Paddington the Artist》《Paddington King of the Castle》《Paddington at the Rainbow's End》《Paddington at the Circus》《Paddington and the Tutti Frutti Rainbow》《Paddington Minds the House》《Paddington and The Disappearing Sandwich》《Paddington at the Fair》《Paddington in the Garden》Michael BondAuthor of over one hundred books, many of them for children, Michael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire, in 1926, but he grew up in Reading. On leaving school at the age of fourteen, he spent a year in a lawyers’ office before joining the BBC as an engineer. During the war he served with both the RAF and the army, and it was in 1947, while stationed in Cairo, that he wrote his first short story. Its acceptance by London Opinion sowed the seeds of a future career, but before becoming a full-time writer he was to spend many happy and fruitful years as a BBC television cameramanOne snowy Christmas Eve he was taking refuge in Selfridges when he came across a small toy bear, literally left on the shelf. Bought as a ‘stocking filler’ for his first wife, Brenda, it was to act as the inspiration for ‘A Bear Called Paddington’, first published in 1958.In 2015, Michael was awarded a CBE for his services to children’s literature, to add to the OBE he received in 1997. Michael died in 2017, leaving behind one of the great literary legacies of our time.


作者介紹 Michael BondMichael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire on 13 January 1926 and educated at Presentation College, Reading. He served in the Royal Air Force and the British Army before working as a cameraman for BBC TV for 19 years. In 2015, Michael was awarded a CBE for his services to children’s literature, to add to the OBE he received in 1997. Michael died in 2017, leaving behind one of the great literary legacies of our time.


書名 / Paddington 20-copy illustrated box set (20冊合售)
作者 / Michael Bond
簡介 / Paddington 20-copy illustrated box set (20冊合售):【派丁頓熊】20冊豪華珍藏書盒英國兒童文學家麥可.龐德於1958年出版《一隻叫派丁頓的熊》之後,60多年來,真摯善良
ISBN13 / 9780008644604
ISBN10 / 0008644608
EAN / 9780008644604
誠品26碼 / 2682377093007
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X13.5X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 【派丁頓熊】20冊豪華珍藏書盒