Loki 1: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good | 誠品線上

Loki 1: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good

作者 Louie Stowell
商品描述 Loki 1: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good:幽默有趣的塗鴉日記,看洛基碎碎念,紀錄從天堂貶入地球,窩囊、惡作劇、苦中作樂的凡間生活一向高大、雄壯又威武的北歐神祇:


內容簡介 幽默有趣的塗鴉日記,看洛基碎碎念,紀錄從天堂貶入地球,窩囊、惡作劇、苦中作樂的凡間生活 一向高大、雄壯又威武的北歐神祇:洛基Loki,被奧丁貶下凡間,來到地球,成為乾巴巴、四肢瘦弱,手臂像麵條,雙腳像竹竿,肩膀蜷縮的11歲男孩。往常的神威都不見啦!來到地球,每天要應付各種課業,更慘的是還要和假父母Heimdall海姆達爾和Hyrrokin希爾羅一起住。他們每天對洛基瘋狂碎念,管東管西,不准使用神力,要做家事,要上床睡覺… 等,但洛基也不是乖乖牌,調皮搗蛋的歪腦筋動得很快。洛基被規定每天要寫日記,不能作假,以證明自己逐日變成道德高尚的好寶寶,才能再回Asgard阿斯嘉特城。 Packed with doodles and cartoons, this is the wry, witty and very funny diary of Norse god Loki and the trials of being trapped on Earth as a weedy eleven-year-old boy. After one prank too many, trickster god Loki is banished to live as a "normal" school boy. If he can show moral improvement within one month, then Loki can return to Asgard ... and if he can't? Then it's eternity in a pit of angry snakes. To keep track of his progress, Odin has handed over this magical diary in which Loki is forced to confess the truth. (Even when that truth is as ugly as a naked mole-rat.) As if moral improvement and the indignities of school weren't challenging enough, Loki is banned from using his awesome godly powers and (even worse) must put up with Thor tagging along and making him look bad. Anyone reading Loki's diary is about to learn that this is one god who hasn’t a clue how to tell good from bad, trust from tricks, or friends from enemies...


作者介紹 Louie StowellLouie Stowell started her career writing carefully-researched books about space, ancient Egypt, politics and science but eventually lapsed into just making stuff up. She has written fiction for 8–12 (Nosy Crow and Walker Books US), but Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good is her first project as both author and illustrator, inspired by her research into Norse myths. Louie writes full time in London, where she lives with her wife Karen, her dog Buffy and a creepy puppet that is probably cursed.


書名 / Loki 1: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good
作者 / Louie Stowell
簡介 / Loki 1: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good:幽默有趣的塗鴉日記,看洛基碎碎念,紀錄從天堂貶入地球,窩囊、惡作劇、苦中作樂的凡間生活一向高大、雄壯又威武的北歐神祇:
ISBN13 / 9781406399752
ISBN10 / 1406399752
EAN / 9781406399752
誠品26碼 / 2682284055006
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0CM
級別 / N:無
