The Stranger in the Lifeboat | 誠品線上

The Stranger in the Lifeboat

作者 米奇.艾爾邦
商品描述 The Stranger in the Lifeboat:《最後十四堂星期二的課》、《在天堂遇見的五個人》作者米奇‧艾爾邦2021動人新作:《救生艇上的陌生人》!船隻發生大爆炸,十個人登上木筏


內容簡介 《最後十四堂星期二的課》、《在天堂遇見的五個人》作者米奇‧艾爾邦2021動人新作如果向上帝求助,而上帝真的出現了...一部關於信仰與希望的小說,一群遭遇船難的乘客救起一個陌生男子,這位陌生男子自稱是主,大家只有相信他才能得救...◆紐約時報暢銷書第一名。米奇‧艾爾邦繼《來自天堂的第一通電話》之後,情節最曲折離奇的小說,節奏輕快,令人手不釋卷。◆當我們在危急時刻祈求神的幫助,假使神真的現身了,會是怎樣一個情況?米奇‧艾爾邦最新作品深度探討「希望」與「信念」的主題。一艘救生艇上,10名存活者,一個陌生人被救上船,他自稱是神。★人生某一刻,你我都可能來到這艘救生艇上,拯救失去的信念。「活著就是一場試煉。為了活出現在的自己,有時候必須褪下過去的身分。」★救生艇上的陌生人,將為你解開人生最難解的謎團──◆內容簡介如果呼喚上帝,而祂真的現身了,那會是什麼樣的情形?米奇•艾爾邦的新作探討希望與信念,發人深省。作品中的船難生還者把一名落海的神祕男子拉到救生艇上;該名男子自稱為神,還說他可以拯救小艇上所有人,前提是要所有人都相信他。話說從頭,十名生還者在經歷了毀滅性爆炸船難後搭上救生艇,在海中苦苦掙扎求生。三天過後,飲用水、食物以及希望都逐漸消耗殆盡,就在這時,十人看見一名男子在海中漂流,於是把他拉起來。其中一名生還者說:「感謝神讓我們找到你。」那名男子說:「我就是神。」米奇•艾爾邦情節最為曲折的小說就此展開。艾爾邦於暢銷作《在天堂遇到的五個人》、《來自天堂的第一通電話》都曾討論過天堂的存在。現在他換個角度思考,要是凡人祈求神靈幫助,而上帝真的現身,我們會有什麼反應?在新作中,有幾個問題的答案非要看到最後才得以揭曉:陌生人到底是不是神?船隻當初到底為什麼會爆炸?生還者們是在天堂,還是下了地獄?故事的敘事者班傑明是救生艇上的生還者之一,他將漂流經歷寫在筆記本上,一年後筆記本隨著空無一人的救生艇漂到蒙特塞拉特島,被島上的總督察員加提•盧福勒發現。這個同樣也在對抗心魔的男人,決意要解開上述所有謎題。本作步調輕快、一翻開就很難闔上,令讀者反思最深沉的信念。或許你的祈禱會在最意想不到的狀況下獲得回應。◆本書特色★情節曲折的療癒之作,成功勾起讀者的好奇心:作者擅長創造生動的對話與場景,推動情節發展,易讀、沒有負擔,讓讀者展開一場高潮起伏又讓心靈昇華的療癒之旅。★探討議題豐富:內容觸及出身、階級、生死、情感、貪婪等主題。船難獲救的十人來自不同的社會階層,關係糾葛。本書不著痕跡地描繪出利益衝突與人性扞格,透過簡單的對話,映照出人生最核心的煩惱,間或批判、諷刺肉弱強食的社會不公現象。★出版後立即登上排行榜,反應熱烈:米奇‧艾爾邦重回信仰寓言路線。介於現實與魔幻的懸疑敘事,成功勾出讀者的好奇心。人與神之間深具寓意的對話,諷刺之餘,亦具備幽默感,發人深省。◆各界好評米奇‧艾爾邦就像是通俗文學界的貝比‧魯斯,只要輪到他上場就能揮出全壘打。──《時代》雜誌米奇‧艾爾邦的行文充滿把握,讓作者或讀者的解讀在從容中默默浮現。──《出版者週刊》大膽探索願望與神力的作品。──詹姆斯‧麥克布萊德(James McBride),《水的顏色》作者米奇‧艾爾邦總有辦法讓你不爭氣地落淚。──《波士頓環球報》透過作品尋找生命的意義,撥動讀者心弦,是米奇‧艾爾邦感動數百萬讀者的訣竅。他這兩項功夫在本書火力全開。──《書單》雜誌本中文書介出自《救生艇上的陌生人》大塊文化出版股份有限公司出版What would happen if we called on God for help and God actually appeared? In Mitch Albom’s profound new novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked passengers pull a strange man from the sea. He claims to be “the Lord.” And he says he can only save them if they all believe in him.Adrift in a raft after a deadly ship explosion, nine people struggle for survival at sea. Three days pass. Short on water, food and hope, they spot a man floating in the waves. They pull him in.“Thank the Lord we found you,” a passenger says.“I am the Lord,” the man whispers.So begins Mitch Albom’s most beguiling and inspiring novel yet.Albom has written of heaven in the celebrated number one bestsellers The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The First Phone Call from Heaven. Now, for the first time in his fiction, he ponders what we would do if, after crying out for divine help, God actually appeared before us? What might the Lord look, sound and act like?In The Stranger in the Lifeboat, Albom keeps us guessing until the end: Is this strange and quiet man really who he claims to be? What actually happened to cause the explosion? Are the survivors already in heaven, or are they in hell?The story is narrated by Benji, one of the passengers, who recounts the events in a notebook that is later discovered—a year later—when the empty life raft washes up on the island of Montserrat.It falls to the island’s chief inspector, Jarty LeFleur, a man battling his own demons, to solve the mystery of what really happened. A fast-paced, compelling novel that makes you ponder your deepest beliefs, The Stranger in the Lifeboat suggests that answers to our prayers may be found where we least expect them."What would happen if we called on God for help and God actually appeared? In Mitch Albom’s profound new novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked passengers pull a strange man from the sea. He claims to be “the Lord.” And he says he can only save them if they all believe in him. Adrift in a raft after a deadly ship explosion, nine people struggle for survival at sea. Three days pass. Short on water, food and hope, they spot a man floating in the waves. They pull him in. “Thank the Lord we found you,” a passenger says. “I am the Lord,” the man whispers. So begins Mitch Albom’s most beguiling and inspiring novel yet. Albom has written of heaven in the celebrated number one bestsellers The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The First Phone Call from Heaven. Now, for the first time in his fiction, he ponders what we would do if, after crying out for divine help, God actually appeared before us? What might the Lord look, sound and act like? In The Stranger in the Lifeboat, Albom keeps us guessing until the end: Is this strange and quiet man really who he claims to be? What actually happened to cause the explosion? Are the survivors already in heaven, or are they in hell? The story is narrated by Benji, one of the passengers, who recounts the events in a notebook that is later discovered—a year later—when the empty life raft washes up on the island of Montserrat. It falls to the island’s chief inspector, Jarty LeFleur, a man battling his own demons, to solve the mystery of what really happened. A fast-paced, compelling novel that makes you ponder your deepest beliefs, The Stranger in the Lifeboat suggests that answers to our prayers may be found where we least expect them.


作者介紹 Mitch Albom is a bestselling author, screenwriter, playwright and nationally syndicated columnist. The author of five consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers, his books have collectively sold more than thirty-three million copies in forty-two languages worldwide. Tuesdays With Morrie, which spent four straight years atop the New York Times list, is now the bestselling memoir of all time. Four of Albom’s books, including Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, For One More Day, and Have a Little Faith, have been made into highly acclaimed TV movies for ABC. Oprah Winfrey produced Tuesdays With Morrie, which claimed four Emmy awards including a best actor nod for Jack Lemmon in the lead role. Albom has founded six charities in and around Detroit, including the first-ever twenty-four-hour medical clinic for homeless children in America, and also operates an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Albom lives with his wife, Janine, in metropolitan Detroit.


書名 / The Stranger in the Lifeboat
作者 / 米奇.艾爾邦
簡介 / The Stranger in the Lifeboat:《最後十四堂星期二的課》、《在天堂遇見的五個人》作者米奇‧艾爾邦2021動人新作:《救生艇上的陌生人》!船隻發生大爆炸,十個人登上木筏
ISBN13 / 9780062888341
ISBN10 / 006288834X
EAN / 9780062888341
誠品26碼 / 2682068815000
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.4X12.7X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
