My First Brain Quest 123s: A Question-and-Answer Book
作者 | Workman Publishing |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | My First Brain Quest 123s: A Question-and-Answer Book:全美銷量第一的教育類童書【BrainQuest】大腦任務智力問答系列2-3歲幼兒數字概念硬頁書:誠品以「人文、藝術、創 |
作者 | Workman Publishing |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | My First Brain Quest 123s: A Question-and-Answer Book:全美銷量第一的教育類童書【BrainQuest】大腦任務智力問答系列2-3歲幼兒數字概念硬頁書:誠品以「人文、藝術、創 |
內容簡介 全美銷量第一的教育類童書【Brain Quest】大腦任務智力問答系列2-3歲幼兒數字概念硬頁書 【Brain Quest】是美國家庭必備的教育類童書,用「問」與「答」的互動方式激發孩子學習動機,並依照年齡層量身打造學習內容。【My First Brain Quest】是針對2-3歲幼兒設計的子系列,內容經過早期教育專家群審核,並且秉持「變聰明也可以很有趣」的核心價值,要讓小寶寶的學習充滿樂趣。這一本是數字概念硬頁書,透過插圖、韻文及互動式的問答,幫助小寶寶學會數數、理解1到10的數字與數量的概念。Your kids love Brain Quest(R), now it's baby's turn! Imbued with the core value "It's Fun to Be Smart!(R) ", the My First Brain Quest board book program is Brain Quest at its best: not only making learning fun, but encouraging the kind of interaction between children and caregivers that makes early learning meaningful.My First Brain Quest: 123s is a delightful counting book with numbers 1 - 10 represented in a variety of ways, to reinforce comprehension of words, numerals, quantity, and value. Every spread includes bright images, rhyming text, and engaging questions to help the youngest readers discuss their observations and build on their prior knowledge."
作者介紹 Workman Publishing Workman Publishing is a New York-based publisher of award-winning nonfiction for adults and children.
書名 / | My First Brain Quest 123s: A Question-and-Answer Book |
作者 / | Workman Publishing |
簡介 / | My First Brain Quest 123s: A Question-and-Answer Book:全美銷量第一的教育類童書【BrainQuest】大腦任務智力問答系列2-3歲幼兒數字概念硬頁書:誠品以「人文、藝術、創 |
出版社 / | Hachette Book Group USA |
ISBN13 / | 9781523503810 |
ISBN10 / | 1523503815 |
EAN / | 9781523503810 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682187590000 |
頁數 / | 22 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | B:兒童厚紙板書 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 17.8X17.8X0CM |
級別 / | N:無 |