There's a Ghost in This House | 誠品線上

There's a Ghost in This House

作者 Oliver Jeffers
商品描述 There's a Ghost in This House:《遠在天邊》OliverJeffers最新作品。小女孩住在鬼屋,卻從沒看過鬼,真的,連一個影子也沒有。她很好奇鬼到底長怎樣?他們真的很難見到嗎


內容簡介 屋裡有小鬼鬼嗎?跟我一起找好嗎?《遠在天邊》 Oliver Jeffers作品小女孩住在鬼屋,卻從沒看過鬼,真的,連一個影子也沒有。她很好奇鬼到底長怎樣?鬼是不是白白的,有兩個大大的眼睛洞?他們真的很難見到嗎?小女孩,愈想愈好奇,於是她走進房子,繞到沙發後看,爬上圖書室高架上,也走進住滿雜物的閣樓裡,沒看到…。其實每個地方都有友善的小精靈鬼鬼,只是小女孩都沒看到,你能幫忙找找嗎?Oliver Jeffers創作,結合照片與插畫,給讀者真實感,和逗趣的想像。A captivating and utterly unique picture book with interactive, transparent pages about a girl who lives in a haunted house from world-renowned artist Oliver Jeffers. A young girl lives in a haunted house, but she has never seen a ghost. Are they white with holes for eyes? Are they hard to see? Step inside and help the girl as she searches under the stairs, behind the sofa, and in the attic for the ghost. From New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Oliver Jeffers comes a delightful picture book that breaks the fourth wall about young girl's determination to find the ghost haunting her house. Includes tracing paper pages that make the silly ghosts appear on each page. Perfect for Halloween!【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|你真的不需要這麼忙!萬聖節繪本《There's a Ghost in This House》秒解你不知「為何而忙」的人生撰文|迷誠品內容中心細數今年走過的日子,不是特別順利,但也還算過得去,階段性的自我調整期間,不妨透過繪本《There's a Ghost in This House》來一場恐懼的求生練習,在萬聖節來臨的此刻,梳理自己內在窮忙和恐慌,也帶你重拾大人丟失的童心,從小孩也能一眼看出的遊戲裡獲得啟發。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章


作者介紹 Oliver Jeffers From his much-loved debut, How to Catch a Star he has gone on to create a collection of award-winning and bestselling picture books, which have been translated all over the globe, including the #1 New York Times bestseller and TIME Best Book of the Year Here We Are, as well as the companion What We’ll Build. He is also the illustrator of the smash hits The Day the Crayons Quit and The Day the Crayons Came Home, both written by Drew Daywalt. His fine art is world-renowned and his dip-art exhibitions are a much sought-after event. Oliver is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife and young children.


書名 / There's a Ghost in This House
作者 / Oliver Jeffers
簡介 / There's a Ghost in This House:《遠在天邊》OliverJeffers最新作品。小女孩住在鬼屋,卻從沒看過鬼,真的,連一個影子也沒有。她很好奇鬼到底長怎樣?他們真的很難見到嗎
ISBN13 / 9780593466186
ISBN10 / 0593466187
EAN / 9780593466186
誠品26碼 / 2682049482009
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 32.5X21X1CM
級別 / N:無