醫務人員英語通 | 誠品線上


作者 鄭偉奇/ James Timothy Allen/ 宋文娟
出版社 華杏出版股份有限公司
商品描述 醫務人員英語通:推薦序目前政府各機關積極推動雙語化環境,各醫療院所也不例外。除了配合政策外,現今的世界儼然成為小小地球村,處處可見來自國外的朋友,甚至於他(她)


內容簡介 推薦序 目前政府各機關積極推動雙語化環境,各醫療院所也不例外。除了配合政策外,現今的世界儼然成為小小地球村,處處可見來自國外的朋友,甚至於他(她)們已融入我們的社會,成為台灣的一份子,透過國際語言──英語的溝通,顯見重要。 在醫療環境中,雙語已成為不可避免的趨勢,未來,我們可見,不只是雙語環境的建立,而會朝向多語化的環境來發展。 欣見文娟、Tim以及鄭偉奇老師願意在忙碌工作之餘,將醫療工作中常會應用的話語編輯成冊,以供醫療界人士參考、在校學生學習。期望這本手冊能便利大家,同時在建構雙語環境中一同努力。 馬偕紀念醫院新竹分院院長 郭許達 謹誌 作者序 For more than ten years now I have had the great privilege of teaching English to students all over Taiwan. I am very grateful for their patience in allowing me to experiment with every technique I had learned and many more that I created myself. I have discovered again and again that the best resources for teaching English are a group of interested, motivated students working creatively together and that the best textbooks are direct and straightforward. This book is designed as a resource to be kept in the pocket or on the desktop of all nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals who use English as a second language and may come in contact with the English speaking public. It contains many sample sentences commonly used in hospitals so that it will be consulted often. Please read it over and practice repeating the sentences as often as you can. My great adventure in teaching English to the wonderful students of Taiwan was made so much more fulfilling by the nurses and staff at McKay Memorial Hospital in Hsinchu. I am very grateful to the hard work and dedicated support of my coauthor Wendy Sung who compiled the essential sentences found in this book. Many hours have been spent going over every word with my other coauthor, Sylvia Cheng, to ensure that every phrase and sentence is at the same time grammatically correct and common colloquial English. Without their dedication and hard work this book would not have been possible. Along with every copy of this book goes our sincere hope that every reader will find it valuable! James Timothy Allen


產品目錄 ch1 常用指引及問答 Section 1 總機 Section 2 服務台 Section 3 停車場 ch2 批價掛號 ch3 臨床醫療單位 Section 1 內科 Section 2 外科 Section 3 婦產科 Section 4 小兒科 Section 5 耳鼻喉科 Section 6 眼科 Section 7 皮膚科 Section 8 牙科 Section 9 精神科 ch4 特殊醫療單位 Section 1 急診 Section 2 手術室 Section 3 血液透析 ch5 病房 Section 1 入院 Section 2 認識環境 Section 3 住院期間 Section 4 出院 ch6 生理檢查科 ch7 檢驗科 ch8 藥局 ch9 放射線科 ch10 營養衛教 ch11 健康服務 Section 1 健康檢查中心 Section 2 醫學美容中心 參考文獻 附錄 附錄A 醫院空間對照表 附錄B 醫院職稱對照表 附錄C 醫院常見中英文標語 附錄D 醫院常見中英文公告


書名 / 醫務人員英語通
作者 / 鄭偉奇 James Timothy Allen 宋文娟
簡介 / 醫務人員英語通:推薦序目前政府各機關積極推動雙語化環境,各醫療院所也不例外。除了配合政策外,現今的世界儼然成為小小地球村,處處可見來自國外的朋友,甚至於他(她)
出版社 / 華杏出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789861941349
ISBN10 / 9861941347
EAN / 9789861941349
誠品26碼 / 2680481448003
頁數 / 231
開數 / 32K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /