七年級英語一把罩: 加強你的聽、說、讀、寫英語力課本習作+題庫 (附MP3 2冊合售) | 誠品線上

七年級英語一把罩: 加強你的聽、說、讀、寫英語力課本習作+題庫 (附MP3 2冊合售)

作者 王筱筑/ 鄭柏力/ 劉慧如/ Dennis Christopher Jackson
出版社 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
商品描述 七年級英語一把罩: 加強你的聽、說、讀、寫英語力課本習作+題庫 (附MP3 2冊合售):「十二年國教英語一點通」這套系列,係基於我們對當前臺灣中學的英語教育的審慎觀察、了


內容簡介 「十二年國教英語一點通」這套系列,係基於我們對當前臺灣中學的英語教育的審慎觀察、了解與評估下,而發展的系列。我們秉持著服務同學與家長的心情與使命,規劃本系列,內容是四技合一的;聽、讀、寫、說全數到齊,我們的用心是為了掃除學習者對於政策改變的憂這個系列將致力於協助所有在中學教育中的學習者,能夠順利、無礙,自信、有效率的呈現紮實的英語基礎語實力,並同時展現在學校課業上的優異表現。 1.隨書附贈聽力MP3一片(由富有豐富英語教學經驗團隊的外語老師親自錄音)2.中、英文補教英語名師(1+1),全力搭配、量身為中學生打造的英語學習書。3.囊括學習英文必不可缺的聽、讀、寫、說等四技合一內容,尤其增加呼應現階段加強聽力學習的單元。4.全書共計十四個單元。每單元以文法為主題,並包括單字與片語、文法重點、聽力測驗、短文賞析與口說練習、閱讀大躍進等,以及每項下都有練習以輔助理解,書末並有習題解答。5.本書著重習作解答及題庫的演練,題庫包括單元複習、全民英檢初級等。 (第二冊習作+題庫)這是學習與實用,考試與實力不再脫勾的英語學習書,也是最佳的英語輔助教材。而我們編寫者看到大家鬆了一口氣的表情,所有編寫時的壓力也就一掃而空,而滿心歡喜了!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介王筱筑英國文學學士、現今正研讀新聞碩士。國、高中升學補習班老師,具有八年補教及教材編纂經驗。擅長英文口訣教學,可幫助學生文法輕鬆記憶與整理。現為五南「十二年國教英語一點通」系列的編著者之一。著作:《英語不必太難,從生活出發就好》,並有譯作雅思學習叢書。鄭柏力Patrick擁有University of British Columbia的英國文學學士,以及政治大學碩士。目前任教於世新大學。Patrick老師撰寫了多本英語學習教材及與臺灣相關的文章。身為臺灣女婿的他,也在永和擁有一間餐廳。劉慧如英國文學碩士。五南 (文字復興)考試類用書及英語教科書特約主編。目前於輔仁大學全人教育中心、國防大學語文中心、臺北商業技術學院應外系與師大推廣部任教。著作:《一日一分鐘新多益片語集》、《一日一分鐘新多益單字集》、《一日一分鐘新多益單字片語背誦集》、《新世紀全民英檢》叢書主編、《教室英語》、《成功用英語談生意》。Dennis Christopher JacksonChris Jackson畢業於Humboldt州立大學新聞系。在過去的二十多年裡,他是位專業的編輯、新聞記者和教育者。除了撰寫多本英語學習及考試類書籍外,Jackson老師也提供臺灣醫界專業人士英語諮詢。Jackson老師來自美國加州,目前與妻子及兩名子女定居於臺灣。


產品目錄 序主編序chapter 1 使用疑問代名詞who造句及其回答(詢問「年齡」的句型)chapter 2 指示代名詞this/that/these/those的使用chapter 3 疑問副詞where的使用(表示方位的介系詞)chapter 4 表示「(某地方)有……的句型」(There is/are+主詞……)chapter 5 祈使句chapter 6 現在進行式chapter 7 時間的表示方式chapter 8 星期/日期的表示方式(表示時間的介系詞)chapter 9 詢問天氣狀況(天氣的表達方式)chapter 10 現在簡單式chapter 11 可數名詞與不可數名詞(How many/How much的句型)chapter 12 頻率副詞chapter 13 不定詞chapter 14 動名詞單元複習chapter 1~3chapter 4~6chapter 7~10chapter 11~14全民英檢初級模擬試題Mp3錄音內容習題解答/單元複習解答


書名 / 七年級英語一把罩: 加強你的聽、說、讀、寫英語力課本習作+題庫 (附MP3 2冊合售)
作者 / 王筱筑 鄭柏力 劉慧如 Dennis Christopher Jackson
簡介 / 七年級英語一把罩: 加強你的聽、說、讀、寫英語力課本習作+題庫 (附MP3 2冊合售):「十二年國教英語一點通」這套系列,係基於我們對當前臺灣中學的英語教育的審慎觀察、了
出版社 / 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789571167961
ISBN10 / 9571167967
EAN / 9789571167961
誠品26碼 / 2680774545006
頁數 / 472
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無


內文 : 【第一冊:課本】

Chapter 1

一. 單字與片語
favorite (adj.) 最喜愛的 food (n.) 食物
give (v.) 給予 popcorn (n.) 爆米花
salt (n.) 鹽 healthy (adj.) 健康的
taste (v.) 嚐起來 ; (n.) 味道 eat (v.) 吃
move theater (n.) 電影院 expensive (adj.) 昂貴的
lucky (adj.) 幸運的 father (n.) 父親
rich (adj.) 富有的 hundred (n.) 百
a lot of 許多 dollar (n.) 元
money (n.) 錢 boy (n.) 男孩
_____________ 1. My f r is a doctor. How about you?
______________ 2. Time is m y.
______________ 3. The watch cost him ten thousand dollars. How e e!
______________ 4. A: What’s your f e color? B: Blue.
______________ 5. I am so hungry. Is there any f d in the refrigerator?

1. Sir, the total is five hundred ______. How would you like to pay?
A. popcorn
B. dollars
C. money
D. food

2. A: How does the fish ______? B: Not bad. Did you cook it by yourself?
A. eat
B. give
C. taste
D. swim

3. Let’s go to the ______ downtown to watch Titanic.
A. movie theater
B. convenience store
C. zoo
D. police station

4. Surprising the man did not get hurt in the airplane crash. He is so ______.
A. rich
B. lucky
C. healthy
D. noisy

5. A: How many ______ are there in the room? B: About ten. One of them is Dr. Lee’s son.
A: ladies
B. women
C. girls
D. boys

1. father 2. money 3. expensive 4. favorite 5. food
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D


Unit 1

一. 單字(依字首提示填空/中譯英)

1. That is John’s t__________. John is his student.
2. I have one h_________ model sports cars.
3. Sara’s brother is one y_________ old.
4. W_______ is that boy? He’s my cousin.
5. W________ are the students? They are in the c_________.
6. Tina and Sandy are my s__________.
7. Our f_________ is a doctor.
8. What is her n_________? She is Lisa.
9. My cat’s in my b__________. It sleeps with me.
10. That’s a really nice s___________. You can ride it to school.
11. My m________ is a nurse. She works eight hours a day.
12. My p__________are very warm and loving. They never punish (處罰)children.
13. I ________ have one brother. We are like friends.
14. Isn’t it t_________ music teacher? Yes, they like her very much.
15. H_______ name is Teresa and she my good friend.
16. That one-week-old b________ is so lovely.
17. I am my mother’s c_________.
18. ______ Wang teaches us English and she is young and very beautiful.
19. ______ and _______ Suzuki are from Japan.
20. We call that old lady _______ Lin because we don’t know if she is married.(已婚)

1. teacher 2, hundred 3. year 4. Who 5. Where 6. cousins 7. father
8.; name 9. bet 10. scooter 11. mother 12. parents 13. only
14. the 15. Her 16. boy 17. child 18. Miss 19. Mr., Mrs,
20. Ms.

二 對話克漏字 (請在空格內填入合適的字彙)

1. A: _______ old is your son?
B: ________ is twenty ________ old.
2. A: Is ________ your cat?
B: No, it’s not ________ cat.
3. A: _______ is your scooter?
B: It is new ______ cool.
4. A: Hi, I ______ Ben. _______ to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, _______. I am Sam.
5. A: It is ______ lovely dog.
B: Yes, I like ______ color.


1. How, He, years
2. it, my
3. How, and
4. am, Nice, too
5. a, its

三 文法選擇題

1. Janey and her husband are very nice people.
A. Their B. They C. Them D. We
2. _____ that dog _______?
A: Is, Helen is B. Is, Helens’ C. Is, Helen’s D. Is, Helens
3. How ________ Nancy and Jim?
A: is B. are C. am D. aren’t
4. _______ a cute dog and ______ name is Lucky.
A. It’s, its B. It’s, it’s C. Its, its D. Its, it’s
5._________ is Tommy? He’s a teacher.
A: How B. How old C. Who D. What
6. The boy is ___________.
A. seven year B. seven year old C. seven years old d. seven old
7. How are you and your family? _____________ fine. Thanks for asking.
A. We’ re B. They’re C. You’re D. I’m
8. Who’s that woman in blue dress?
A. She’s a girl. B. She’s an teacher. C. She’s my grandma. D. She’s a woman.
9. Your friend, Judy, _______ a pretty girl .
A. are B. am C. is D. aren’t

Answer :
1. They 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. We’re 8. C 9. C

四 請挑出句中的錯誤

1. That is a ugly building.
2. They are student and I am, too.
3. Our teacher are nice, pretty.
4. The boy is from Canada?
5. Tom and John’s father are not a doctor.
6. The baby is two monthes old.

Answer :
1. a-> an
2. student -> students
3. are-> is
4. The boy is -> Is the boy
5. are -> is
6. monthes -> months

五 請選出適當的回應句

( ) 1. How old is your little sister? A. I don’t think so.
( ) 2. Is Lily your mother? B. He’s from the USA.
( ) 3. Where is Jeremy from? C. Wow! It’s so cool.
( ) 4. Who is that boy? D. Where is it?
( ) 5. It’s my new bicycle. E. No, she’s my aunt.
F. only one.
G. That’s my cousin.

Answser :

1. F 2. E 3. B 4. G 5. C

六 : 對話選擇題

1. A: Is Jack’s mother a teacher?
A. No, she’s a teacher. B. Yes, she’s a nurse. C. No, she’s a nurse.
D. Yes, she’s a nurse.
2. A: Is that Amy’s cat?
A. Yes, it’s a cat. B. Yes, her cat is cute. C. Yes, that’s a cute cat.
D. No, it’s not her cat.
3. A: Who’s that man?
A: He’s those child’s teacher. B: He’s those children teacher.
C: He’s those children’s teacher. D. He’s those childrens’ teacher.
4. ___________________? That’s my friend, Sammy.
A: Who’s a girl? B: Who’s an girl? C: Who’s that girl? D: Who are you?
5. ___________________? Yes, she’s our new teacher.
A: Who is she? B: Is she our new teacher? C: Who’s our new teacher?
D: Where is our new teacher?

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. B

七. 文法與單字填空

1. Cindy is _______________________.
2. 那棵樹幾歲了? 它大概八十八歲了。
How __________ is ________ tree?
It is ___________ _________ eight ________ __________.
3. 他是一個一歲的小嬰兒。
He is _______ ____________________ baby.
4. It is ________ apartment building. ______ tall _______ modern.
5. The _________ teacher _______ in _______ office.
6. ________ that old man? He ______ the ________ uncle.
誰是那位老人? 他是那些孩子們的舅舅。
7. I have one ________ __________ CDs.
8. _______ my friend and _______ name is Jack.

1. eight years old.
2. old, that, about eighty, years old
3. an one-year-old
4. their, It’s and
5. girls’, is, her
6. Who, is children’s
7. hundred ninety
8. He, his

八 句子改寫

1. This is my dog. (請改成疑問句)
2. My cat is only one month old. (請依畫線部分做問句)
3. His father is forty years old. (請改成 我的哥哥, 12 歲)。
4. He has a new scooter and it’s pink. (請將he 改成所有格造句)
5.My twin brothers are 25 years old. (請改成yes/no問句)
6. Judy is a teacher. (請改成 Judy and Lily)


1. Is this your dog?
2. How old is your cat?
3. His brother is twelve years old.
4. His scooter is new and pink.
5. Are your twin brothers 25 years old?
6. Judy and Lily are teachers.

九 翻譯

1. 他是位老師。他的教室在二樓。
2. 你的爸爸好嗎? 很好。
___________________________? _______.
3. 我們在我們的舒適而且漂亮的家裡
4. 你的電話號碼是什麼?
5. 那些是什麼? 是他們的新的筆記本。
6. 湯姆 (Tom)和吉姆 (Jim)的表妹都是護士。

1. He is a teacher. His classroom is on the second floor.
2. How’s your father? He’s fine.
3. Your are in our comfortable and beautiful home.
4. What’s your telephone number?
5. What are those? They are their new notebooks.
6. Tom’s and Jim’s sisters are nurses.


A. Paragraph 段落理解題

My name is Sally. I am a student of Jayi elementary school. There are five people in my family and they are my parents, my older sister, my little brother and me. We have a lovely cat and its name is Kelly. Kelly likes to sleep in my parents’ room because their room is big. My brother’s very cute. His name is Johnny and my sister’s name is Julie. She and I share the same room and our room is very big. Her desk and my desk are always clean.

1. How old is Sally probably (可能)?
A. She’s five years old. B. She’s eight years old. C. She’s is twenty.
B. She’s a eighteen-year-old girl.

2. Who’s Kelly?
A. Sally’s sister. B. Sally’s mother. C. Sally’s cat. D. Sally’s cousin.

3. How is Johnny?
A. He’s cute. B: He’s fat. C: He’s tall. D: He’s quiet.

Answer :
1. B 2. C 3. A

B: 會話填空題

Mom: ______ that your book bag?
Sally: No, _______ not _______ book bag. I think it’s ________ (Johnny)
Mom: ________ Johnny?
Sally: ________ in _______ room.
Mom: _________ in the living room?
Sally: Dad ________. ________ watching TV in the living room.
Mom: _________ is he watching?
Sally: Basketball game.

Answer :
it’s, my, Johnny’s
He’s, his
Is. He’s