英文閱讀特訓班: 中高級篇 (附MP3) | 誠品線上

英文閱讀特訓班: 中高級篇 (附MP3)

作者 LiveABC編輯群/ 編
出版社 聯灃書報社有限公司
商品描述 英文閱讀特訓班: 中高級篇 (附MP3):此為接續《英文閱讀特訓班:初級篇》與《英文閱讀特訓班:中級篇》之「中高級篇」,繼前兩本收錄的十六種閱讀技巧,再進一步提供最後八


內容簡介 此為接續《英文閱讀特訓班:初級篇》與《英文閱讀特訓班:中級篇》之「中高級篇」,繼前兩本收錄的十六種閱讀技巧,再進一步提供最後八種進階的閱讀技巧,幫助讀者將英文閱讀能力提升到更高的層次。本書的文章長度及難度皆比前兩本有所提升,並收錄教育部英文單字分級中之五、六級的單字,擴充讀者的單字字彙量。 透過大量閱讀累積英文實力,讓你擁有優異的英文閱讀能力、不再懼怕學測、指考、統測、全民英檢、高普考、特考等各級英文考試的閱讀測驗!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介LiveABC編輯群


產品目錄 Section 1: Acquiring Reading SkillsUnit 1 Everyday Inventions: The Wonder of Human IngenuityUnit 2 Disaster Response 101: Preparing for the WorstUnit 3 Nutrition Tips to Take with a Grain of SaltUnit 4 Savant Syndrome: Islands of AbilityUnit 5 The Roots of Rock 'n' RollUnit 6 Beyoncé: Fierce and FlawlessUnit 7 Vitamin D: The Sunshine VitaminUnit 8 Three English Romantic PoetsSection 2: Putting the Skills to Practice1. Art Formed in Fire2. When News Is Not News3. Yayoi Kusama: Turning Illness into Art4. Bioplastic: Not So Green5. Disposable Consumer Culture6. Processed Foods: A Blessing or a Curse?7. Shaking Up the Spice Trade8. Space Junk: An Orbiting Problem9. Caution: Cheerleading Can Be Dangerous to Your Health10. A Fondness for Dublin11. The Downside of Crowdsourcing12. The Unexpected Consequences of Antibiotics13. Creepy Castles and Royal Ruins: Exploring Britain’s Architectural Treasures14. Dealing with Anger: To Bottle or to Burst?15. Digital Hoarders—Swimming in a Sea of Files16. The Kidult Phenomenon17. Selfie on a Stick18. Food Trucks: Restaurants on a Roll19. Winter Fun in Australia’s Blue Mountains20. Antarctica under Threat21. Cotton Candy: From Sweet Smiles to Medical Miracles22. The Dark Side of Beauty23. The Real Alice’s Wonderland24. Sicily—The Heart of the Mediterranean25. Why Men and Women React Differently to Pressure26. The Roots of Fairy Tales27. Chocolate Culture in Belgium28. A New Era in Genome Editing29. The Dawn of the Automobile30. Famous Cakes and Where They Come From31. Nightmares: Their Origins and Meanings32. The Real Threat of Fake News33. The Benefits of Wanderlust34. Harry Potter: A Classic Built on the Classics35. Bitter Medicine: The Surprising Medical Treatments of the Past36. The Historical Regatta: A Colorful Festival in Venice37. Wimbledon: A History of Tradition and Transformation38. National Parks: America's Treasures39. Cuba, Where Variety Spices Up Life40. Fortune-Telling: Fact or Fiction?41. The Street Store Allowing the Homeless to Shop with Pride42. Get Out of My Space!43. Yesterday’s Technology Makes a Comeback44. Plastic Microbeads: Small Beads, Big Problems45. No Joke! Animals Can Laugh46. How Many Colors Do You See?47. Salty Soil: A Problem of Progress48. Camouflage Is In Fashion49. Punctuation Evolved50. Controversial Foods51. The World’s Strangest Natural Phenomena52. A Matter of Manners


書名 / 英文閱讀特訓班: 中高級篇 (附MP3)
作者 / LiveABC編輯群 編
簡介 / 英文閱讀特訓班: 中高級篇 (附MP3):此為接續《英文閱讀特訓班:初級篇》與《英文閱讀特訓班:中級篇》之「中高級篇」,繼前兩本收錄的十六種閱讀技巧,再進一步提供最後八
出版社 / 聯灃書報社有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789864412464
ISBN10 / 9864412469
EAN / 9789864412464
誠品26碼 / 2681601300003
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 19X26CM
級別 / N:無
