小婦人 (中英雙語典藏版) | 誠品線上

Little Women

作者 Louisa May Alcott
出版社 知己圖書股份有限公司
商品描述 小婦人 (中英雙語典藏版):,★電影《她們》原著小說★★經典女性文學家庭小說★不論貧窮或富有,平順或波折,親人之間將永遠互相扶持、相愛。溫馨的瑪區家住著四位靈巧可


內容簡介 ★電影《她們》原著小說★ ★經典女性文學家庭小說★ 不論貧窮或富有,平順或波折,親人之間將永遠互相扶持、相愛。 溫馨的瑪區家住著四位靈巧可愛的女孩:敏感纖細的老大梅格、熱情勇敢的老二喬、溫柔體貼的老三貝絲,以及活潑任性的老四艾美。 這年的聖誕節相當寒冷,女孩們全聚集在客廳的爐火旁,但室內再暖和也填補不了她們心中的遺憾──她們敬愛的父親正獨自在遠方參戰。在父親缺席的這年,母親是家中的智者,負責擔任女孩們的生命導師;在貧困的生活中提點孩子們不可耽溺享樂,更要懷著善良的心勇於幫助他人。 就在女孩們日夜思念著父親的這時,一通緊急電報傳來父親染上重病的噩耗。母親急忙趕往遠方探視住院的父親,並讓四位女孩在家留守。不料母親才出門,老三貝絲也接著患上熱病,生命垂危。姊妹們為了不讓遠方的父母擔心,只得扛下家務,日夜照顧重病的貝絲。 這四位女孩將在這一年的困境中,學習愛與付出,長成美麗優雅而成熟的「小婦人」。 本書特色: ※女性文學永垂不朽的經典 ※展現手足之愛的溫馨家庭小說 ※中英雙語精修版,簡易好讀 ※裝幀精緻,具保存傳承價值


作者介紹 露意莎.梅.艾考特露意莎.梅.艾考特 (Louisa May Alcott)十九世紀美國小說家,生於美國賓州小鎮,是家中次女。父母都是崇尚新時代、新觀念的人士,艾考特也因此受到薰陶,培養出獨立自主的人格。三十六歲完成《小婦人》震驚文壇,使她成為揚名國際的知名女作家。那培玄 法蘭克.T.麥瑞爾 鐘文君那培玄畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術系。一九九四年開始從事插畫,作品刊登於各大報及出版書籍雜誌等。興趣廣泛,喜歡文學、藝術與金融研究。法蘭克.T.麥瑞爾 (Frank T. Merrill)活躍於十九至二十世紀的美國畫家、插畫家。職業生涯中繪製上千幅各類書籍之插畫。鐘文君專職網頁、插畫、視覺設計。從業多年,獨具特色的繪畫風格充滿童趣不失詼諧韻味與美感,熱中於產品開發。IG:www.instagram.com jinjinspace 張琰張琰台灣大學哲學系畢業,輔仁大學翻譯學研究所碩士。曾任出版社編輯,現為自由譯者。從事翻譯工作多年,作品以文學類為主,如《歐蘭朵》、《小婦人》、《一個人的朝聖》、《比利時的哀愁》等,及「納尼亞傳奇」系列的《銀椅》、《賈斯潘王子》、《黎明行者號》等;也有非文學類,如《先知》、《蝴蝶法則》、《萬物的尺度》等。


產品目錄 化身喬的露意莎(1832 ~1888) 第 1章 演出天路歷程 第 2章 快樂聖誕 第 3章 羅倫斯家的男孩 第 4章 包袱 第 5章 睦鄰 第 6章 美麗宮殿 第 7章 飽嘗羞辱 第 8章 報復 第 9章 上流社會 第 10章 文藝姐妹 第 11章 實驗 第 12章 羅倫斯營地 第 13章 空中樓閣 第 14章 祕密 第 15章 電報 第 16章 書信 第 17章 忠誠的小人兒 第 18章 黯淡的日子 第 19章 艾美的遺囑 第 20章 情愫 第 21章 坦途 第 22章 無心的撮合 01.PLAYING PILGRIMS 02.A MERRY CHRISTMAS 03.THE LAURENCE BOY 04.BURDENS 05.BEING NEIGHBORLY 06.BETH FINDS THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL 07.AMY's VALLEY OF HUMILIATION 08.JO MEETS APOLLYON 09.MEG GOES TO VANITY FAIR 10.THE P.C. AND P.O. 11.EXPERIMENTS 12.CAMP LAURENCE 13.CASTLES IN THE AIR 14.SECRETS 15.A TELEGRAM 16.LETTERS 17.LITTLE FAITHFUL 18.DARK DAYS 19.AMY's WILL 20.CONFIDENTIAL 21.PLEASANT MEADOWS 22.AUNT MARCH SETTLES THE QUESTION


書名 / 小婦人 (中英雙語典藏版)
作者 / Louisa May Alcott
簡介 / 小婦人 (中英雙語典藏版):,★電影《她們》原著小說★★經典女性文學家庭小說★不論貧窮或富有,平順或波折,親人之間將永遠互相扶持、相愛。溫馨的瑪區家住著四位靈巧可
出版社 / 知己圖書股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786263202764
ISBN10 / 6263202769
EAN / 9786263202764
誠品26碼 / 2682301121004
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 14.8X21X2.9CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : 「有沒有誰有事情可以說?今天過得很無趣,我可真想要有些娛樂。」這天晚上她們坐在房裡做著縫紉活兒時梅格說。


“Has anybody got anything to tell? It's been such a dismal day I'm really dying for some amusement,” said Meg, as they sat sewing together that evening.
Beth told a story. Then they asked their mother for one, and after a moments thought, she said soberly, “Once upon a time, there were four girls, who had enough to eat and drink and wear, a good many comforts and pleasures, kind friends and parents who loved them dearly, and yet they were not contented.” (Here the listeners stole sly looks at one another, and began to sew diligently.) “These girls were anxious to be good and made many excellent resolutions, but they did not keep them very well, and were constantly saying, ‘If only we had this,’ or ‘If we could only do that,’ quite forgetting how much they already had, and how many things they actually could do. So they asked an old woman what spell they could use to make them happy, and she said, ‘When you feel discontented, think over your blessings, and be grateful.’” (Here Jo looked up quickly, as if about to speak, but changed her mind, seeing that the story was not done yet.)
“Being sensible girls, they decided to try her advice, and soon were surprised to see how well off they were. One discovered that money couldn't keep shame and sorrow out of rich people's houses, another that, though she was poor, she was a great deal happier, with her youth, health, and good spirits, than a certain fretful, feeble old lady who couldn't enjoy her comforts, a third that, disagreeable as it was to help get dinner, it was harder still to go begging for it and the fourth, that even carnelian rings were not so valuable as good behavior. So they agreed to stop complaining, to enjoy the blessings already possessed, and try to deserve them, lest they should be taken away entirely, instead of increased, and I believe they were never disappointed or sorry that they took the old woman's advice.”
“Now, Marmee, that is very cunning of you to turn our own stories against us, and give us a sermon instead of a romance!” cried Meg.
“I like that kind of sermon. It's the sort Father used to tell us,” said Beth thoughtfully, putting the needles straight on Jo's cushion.
“I don't complain near as much as the others do, and I shall be more careful than ever now, for I've had warning from Susie's downfall,” said Amy morally.
“We needed that lesson, and we won't forget it. If we do so, you just say to us, as old Chloe did in Uncle Tom, ‘Tink ob yer marcies, chillen!’ ‘Tink ob yer marcies!’” added Jo, who could not, for the life of her, help getting a morsel of fun out of the little sermon, though she took it to heart as much as any of them.


最佳賣點 : 女性文學永垂不朽的經典