游離其間: 走向映像與文字的中際思域 | 誠品線上

游離其間: 走向映像與文字的中際思域

作者 葉維廉/ 詩文
出版社 五楠圖書用品股份有限公司
商品描述 游離其間: 走向映像與文字的中際思域:不同藝術間某種互相認同的關聯的質素,彷彿那一瞬間,一張畫、一件雕塑正欲發聲為話語。──美國詩人龐德(EzraPound,1885-1972)作


內容簡介 不同藝術間某種互相認同的關聯的質素,彷彿那一瞬間,一張畫、一件雕塑正欲發聲為話語。──美國詩人龐德(Ezra Pound, 1885-1972) 作為城市漫遊的攝影者,葉灼走訪各地,以其靈視的眼光,瞬間凝住喧鬧世界於一格,使生活中「既熟悉又陌生、既真實又奇幻的」影像/映象再現;而行遍天下,以比較文學理論馳名國際的葉維廉,生命中的觸動,總湧為詩文。父子二人雖異,卻又同——在尋索生命歸屬的過程中,在工業化絞動文化的陣痛中,雖熟識/陌生交錯,傳統/現代錯位——卻均「在緊張壓迫的變化中兀然獨立,在某種天平上游離其間」。而,這樣的游離,對讀者,並不陌生。 From 80+ evocative photographs, pregnant high visions, come poetic echoes of measured pulses and impulses. Two artists, father and son, engaging in a cross-cultural, multi-generational dialogue with rhythmic, vital energy, tracing for the reader an odyssey of cultural and living complexes, explore the push-and-pull interactions between poetry's linguistic signs (seething images in the heart mind) and photography's visual signs. We experience in this gap what American poet Ezra Pound called the “inter-recognition” between arts, “where paintings or sculptures seem, as it were, “just coming over to speech.”


作者介紹 ■作者簡介葉灼(Jonas Yip)在公共場所出現時,很少看見他兩手空空的,手上總是拿著一兩個照相機。出生於紐澤西州的普林斯頓,父親是詩人—作家—教授,母親專攻藝術史,他在一個創作的環境裡成長,長年浸淫在藝術、詩、演出、設計、建築和周遊世界的自然人文風景裡。可是,不知怎的,他變成一個工程師,在矽谷突然竄起的公司、高科技的新興公司裡建造他的事業,設計微電腦資料處理裝置,硬體網路聯絡系統,發展e-商業網站,或當網路技術顧問。這些年來,他從未間斷過創作激情的追尋:音樂、設計、攝影。葉灼已經離開高科技世界而全神貫注在小型的,合乎個人心思的計畫,錄製音樂並與許多樂隊發表音樂,合作出書,包括限定版,或藝術、音樂、寫作、攝影套式合作計畫,磨鍊他獨特的美術攝影的靈視。Jonas Yip is a fine art photographer and musician based in the Los Angeles area. Born in Princeton, New Jersey to a poet-writer-professor father and an art historian mother, Jonas was raised in a creative environment steeped in art and music, poetry and performance, design and architecture, and plenty of world travel. Yet somehow Jonas became an engineer, building a successful career in Silicon Valley startup companies. Over the years, however, he never stopped pursuing his creative passions: music, design, and photography. Jonas has since left the high-tech world to concentrate exclusively on these smaller, more personal projects.Jonas has been honored with numerous photography awards and his work has been exhibited internationally. Following the publication of the first edition of this book, Paris: Dialogues and Meditations (Nanjing University Press, 2008), an exhibition of photographs and poems excerpted from the book traveled through Taiwan, China and Hong Kong and was also exhibited at the San Diego Museum of Art and the University of California, San Diego. The photographs and poems from the series have been accepted into the permanent collections at the San Diego Museum of Art in San Diego, CA and the National Museum of Chinese Literature in Beijing, China.葉維廉(Wai-lim Yip)是活躍在亞美兩洲臺港大陸三地的雙語詩人,翻譯家,詩學美學理論家,對比較文學、比較詩學有突破性的貢獻。葉氏1937年生於廣東中山,先後畢業於臺大外文系、師大英語研究所,並獲艾荷華大學美學碩士及普林斯頓大學比較文學博士。早期詩作〈賦格〉、〈降臨〉及〈荒原〉(翻譯)等曾對香港和臺灣的中生代發生過不少的影響,在臺灣讀書時為《現代文學》及《創世紀》成員,以現代詩及現代詩論崛起,並數度獲獎,包括教育部文學獎及入選為十大傑出詩人。葉氏詩作、理論、翻譯著作五十餘種,重要的有《賦格》、《三十年詩》、《比較詩學》、《歷史.傳釋.美學》、《解讀現代.後現代》、《中國詩學》、《道家美學與西方文化》,以及Ezra Pound’s Cathay, Hiding the Universe: Poems of Wang Wei, Chinese Poetry: Major Modes and Genres等。近十年來,臺灣大陸相繼展出他的手稿和數度為他的理論和詩作舉辦國際性研討會。2002-2004年安徽教育出版社出版其全集九大卷。鑒於他巨大的成果,2005年加州大學授予卓越教授榮譽。Wai-lim Yip has been active as a bicultural poet, translator, critic and theorist with special contributions to East-West comparative literature, aesthetics and comparative poetics between Taiwan and America for over 45 years. He was born in Guangdong Province, China, in 1937. He received his B.A. and M.A. in English in Taiwan, his MFA from the University of Iowa and his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Princeton University. Wai-lim Yip has written more than 50 books in two languages, many of which have been widely read in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, chief among them, Fugue, Thirty Years of Poetry, Comparative Poetics(《比較詩學》), Chinese Poetics, Daoist Aesthetics and Western Culture. In recent years he has been honored with exhibitions devoted to his archives and conferences devoted to his (Chinese) Poetry, as well as publication of his Complete (Chinese) Works in 9 thick volumes. In view of his prolific outstanding achievements, the University of California, San Diego has conferred him the title of Distinguished Professor.


產品目錄 〔Preface/序〕Seeking Forgotten Time and History Among Trembling Light and Shadows— The Photographic Art of Jonas Yip in Paris: Dialogues and Meditations在光影微顫中尋索遺忘的時間與歷史——葉灼《巴黎對話》裡的攝影藝術/Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵〔Foreword/前言〕Somewhere Between: Toward the Middle Space Between Images and Words游離其間:走向映像與文字的中際思域/Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉〔Part I/第一部〕PARIS DIALOGUES 巴黎對話〔Part II/第二部〕PARIS MEDITATIONS 巴黎冥思〔Part III/第三部〕A FERTILE DARKNESS 肥沃的黑暗〔Part IV/第四部〕MEMORIES MISPLACED 錯置的記憶〔Afterword/後語〕Somewhere Between: Toward the Middle Space Between Images and Words: After Reflections游離其間:走向映像與文字的中際思域/Wai-lim Yip 葉維廉〔About the Author/關於作者〕JONAS YIP 葉灼WAI-LIM YIP葉維廉


書名 / 游離其間: 走向映像與文字的中際思域
作者 / 葉維廉 詩文
簡介 / 游離其間: 走向映像與文字的中際思域:不同藝術間某種互相認同的關聯的質素,彷彿那一瞬間,一張畫、一件雕塑正欲發聲為話語。──美國詩人龐德(EzraPound,1885-1972)作
出版社 / 五楠圖書用品股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863502531
ISBN10 / 9863502537
EAN / 9789863502531
誠品26碼 / 2681511978002
頁數 / 352
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無