好萊塢經典台詞裡的美國文化 | 誠品線上


作者 高振盛
出版社 紅螞蟻圖書有限公司
商品描述 好萊塢經典台詞裡的美國文化:“I’llbeback!”“Maytheforcebewithyou.”這幾句來自好萊塢電影的經典台詞,大家一定不陌生,不論你有無看過電影,這些台詞已滲入日常的英


內容簡介 “I’ll be back!” “May the force be with you.” 這幾句來自好萊塢電影的經典台詞,大家一定不陌生,不論你有無看過電影,這些台詞已滲入日常的英語對話,成為文化的一部分。而好萊塢電影台詞是如何煉成通俗文化的一部分?為何同一句台詞的哏會被後來的電影一再「致敬」?那些我們津津樂道的電影情節背後,又有何歷史脈絡? 本書收羅近百段經典的電影名句,佐以文化及語言的背景說明,讓影迷不只看熱鬧,更能看門道。讓我們跟隨作者幽默風趣的敘述,一起回顧《教父》、《魔鬼終結者》、《007》等多部經典電影,如何影響到今天,成為全球通行的共通語言。 適用讀者 ○老電影愛好者 ○英文系、電影系學生 ○對美國文化有興趣者 ○影視、戲劇工作者


作者介紹 高振盛 著高振盛出生於阿里山西的諸羅城,任職台北某行政機關。茶餘飯後專注觀察賽璐珞(celluloid)的平行宇宙;有志成為漫畫作者,親朋好友看了畫稿後一致的忠告是:Don’t give up your day job.


產品目錄 目錄 2 第一章 美國神話American Icons 4 I believe in America. 6 When the legend becomes fact, print the legend. 8 I’m not only going to kill him, I’m going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down. 9 Yippie-Kai-Yay. 13 May the Force be with you! 16 Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves… 18 For reasons beyond understanding, people do not relate guns to gun related crimes. 20 Eat my shorts. 22 第二章 政治與軍事Politics and War 24 Ulysses S. Grant held this country together, now what is he remembered for? 27 Someday, someone’s going to have to explain to me the virtue of a proportional response. 30 These drug cartels represent a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. 32 CIA cannot operate within US border without a domestic agency attached. 34 No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. 36 This is not a blockade. This is language. 38 Only the farmers won. We lost. We always lose. 40 The Apollo missions were faked to bankrupt the Soviet Union. 42 I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 44 …for our country to love us as much as we love it. That’s what I want. 46 …with the aid of God and a few Marines 49 Mustang, this is Maverick, requesting flyby. 52 第三章 警察與犯罪Crime & Justice 54 I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. 56 The Corleone family was like the Roman Empire. 58 The higher I go, the more crooked it becomes. 60 You’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? 63 Go ahead, make my day. 65 You have the rights to remain silent. 67 You can't handle the truth! 70 第四章 美國人的世界觀We Are the World 72 You Russians think of yourselves as poets but perhaps you’re just touchy. 74 Yo, deliverance. 76 Who you calling “spook,” peckerwood? 79 I’m gonna put a thousand songs in your pocket. 81 I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture, and kill them. 83 Charlie don’t surf! 86 American components, Russian components...all made in Taiwan! 90 第五章 兩性之間Battle of the Sexes 92 Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. 94 You complete me. 96 The love inside, you take it with you. 98 Coit Tower. It’s vaguely phallic, don’t you think? 100 Consider that a divorce! 102 It’s easier to be killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40. 104 I wish I knew how to quit you. 108第六章 宗教 Praise the Lord 110 Do you see the light? 113 As long as there has been one true God, there has been killing in His name. 115 Christ doesn’t breathe within them. 117 Forgiveness is between them and God. It’s my job to arrange the meeting. 120第七章 品味獨到 Classy and Fabulous 122 The name is Bond, James Bond. 125 A Martini—shaken, not stirred. 128 The legacy of the only American art form—jazz. 131 Does it come in black? 133 Color me happy! 135 What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula? 137 Stupid is as stupid does. 139 I am having an old friend for dinner. 142第八章 金錢萬能Money Talks 144 Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. 146 Show me the money. 150 50 bucks, Grandpa. For 75 the wife can watch. 152 When a man’s got money in his pocket, he begins to appreciate peace. 154第九章 運動狂熱Sports Craze 156 On any given Sunday you’ll either win or lose. 158 We don’t need any Monday-morning quarterbacks. 160 You can’t approach baseball from a statistically “Beane counter” point of view. 163 That’s known as trouble with the curve. 165 Either way, whichever way, no harm, no foul! 167 American history proves that everybody’s got a chance to win. 169 It’s behind the eight ball. 172第十章 趴趴走Getting Around 174 I’m going to ride shotgun. 176 I’d rather be in Philadelphia. 178 The only cultural advantage is you can make a right turn on a red light. 181 Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads! 184 Go. Get to the chopper. 186 I aim at the stars, but sometimes I hit London. 188第十一章 街頭生存經驗Street Smart 190 When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross. 192 The answer to your question is “Go to the mattresses.” 194 I’ll be back. 196 Hasta la vista, baby! 199 Talk to the hand. 201 If it bleeds we can kill it. 203 I ain’t got time to bleed. 205 Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. 207 Whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you… stranger. 210第十二章 專業準則Work Ethics 212 The show must go on! 214 Who do I have to sleep with around here to get a Stoli martini with twist of lemon? 217 There’s a code amongst guys that shook Sinatra’s hand. 219 Have you ever heard the expression “kissed by a muse?” 221 Leave the gun. Take the cannoli. 223 What happens on the Mile, stays on the Mile. 226第十三章 探索未來Imagining the Unknown 228 Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle Has Landed. 230 Shall we play a game? 232 What the hell’s a gigawatt? 234 Beam me up, Scotty. 236 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow.


書名 / 好萊塢經典台詞裡的美國文化
作者 / 高振盛
簡介 / 好萊塢經典台詞裡的美國文化:“I’llbeback!”“Maytheforcebewithyou.”這幾句來自好萊塢電影的經典台詞,大家一定不陌生,不論你有無看過電影,這些台詞已滲入日常的英
出版社 / 紅螞蟻圖書有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789574458615
ISBN10 / 957445861X
EAN / 9789574458615
誠品26碼 / 2681814885007
頁數 / 248
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 21X15CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : "I'll be back!"
"May the force be with you."


內文 : American components, Russian components...all made in Taiwan!
—《世界末日》(Armageddon, 1998) @ 02:15:50

由於台灣中小企業的努力,台灣製造的產品行銷全球無遠弗屆,但也經常被好萊塢的電影拿來調侃,例如《致命的吸引力》(Fatal Attraction, 1987)中,男主角丹走出大樓時下大雨,拿出雨傘卻被強風開了花,正好路過的女主角亞莉絲說:

The umbrella must have been made in Taiwan?
這雨傘一定是台灣製的吧? 00:13:11

更早一年的《金錢本色》(Color of Money, 1986),男主角文森是大賣場的員工,有一場戲是他推銷玩具給一對夫妻,文森說:

The problem with this one is that it`s made in Taiwan. This is Australian made. It’s twice as expensive...but it’s three times better than Taiwan.

台灣製產品隨著技術改善,品質提升,從1990年代起被奚落的情況越來越少,《魔鬼戰將》(Under Siege, 1992)裡的廚師獨力和挾持密蘇里號戰艦的恐怖分子作戰,他使用美軍艦艇上的衛星電話和總部通訊,就是台灣廠商(台揚科技)的產品。《玩具總動員》(Toy Story, 1995)巴斯光年的手臂上刻著 Made in Taiwan,看來品質還不壞的樣子。

American components, Russian components… all made in Taiwan!

Made in Taiwan 在好萊塢電影走了很長的一段路才慢慢扭轉形象,那 Made in China呢?科幻災難片《2012》(2012, 2009)裡那艘現代版「諾亞方舟」是人類生存繁衍的最後希望,正巧就是中國製造的。《絕地救援》(The Martian, 2015)描述 NASA搶救困居在火星上的美國太空人,最終也需依賴中國航天局的「太陽神火箭」,才能援救成功。看來,中國龐大的票房商機,好萊塢可不想搞砸。
