台北多謝 Taipei, to-sia: 陪你旅行當道地的台霸郎 How to travel like a local | 誠品線上

Taipei,to-siā: How to Travel Like a Local (Mandarin English Bilingual Edition)

作者 男子的日常生活
出版社 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
商品描述 台北多謝 Taipei, to-sia: 陪你旅行當道地的台霸郎 How to travel like a local:內容簡介用一本書,謝謝台北的存在,陪你一起走過城裡城外。咖啡店、餐廳、小吃、美術館、


內容簡介 內容簡介 用一本書,謝謝台北的存在,陪你一起走過城裡城外。 咖啡店、餐廳、小吃、美術館、選物店......超過50個精選據點,不一樣的台北就在眼前。 音樂祭、爬山、花藝體驗、夜市......6個在地日常旅行提案,完全詮釋旅行即生活。 台北的美,台北的可愛,台北的意猶未盡, 都在男子的日常生活的新作,一覽無遺。 一幅幅動人的日常畫面,讓你忍不住想要一探究竟這座迷人的城。 從人、從生活的氣息、從有溫度的場域,陪你一起感受台北。 藉著獨特的視角,溫情的筆觸,捕捉盆地裡外的風景,組織成一本可以反覆咀嚼回味的台北現場。台灣人,會重新認識這個總是創造驚喜的都會。異鄉人,會愛上這座處處都值得玩味的城市。 作者試著從他們生長的起點-台北,用他們的眼光,分享台北,用台北的美,向世界發聲。這是一本無論國籍、年齡、性別都能隨意地翻閱的旅遊書,會在書裡找到自己期待的去處,或是感動的生活畫面,因為這些,都來自台北這座美麗的城市。 》本書特色 1.以大量的城市風景畫面構成,輔以親身推薦的介紹文字,包括店家景點基本情報,以區域分類,讓旅人可以隨著書中的安排,提前預習台北不同區域的魅力。 2.以畫面為主要素構成的旅遊書,不分國籍都能直接明快地感受到全書想要傳達的意象和訊息,內文也以中英雙語呈現,讓更多外籍旅人方便使用。


作者介紹 男子的日常生活男子的日常生活 在台北長大的兩位男子, 喜歡日子裡的簡單美好, 共同經營「男子的日常生活」, 曾著有《這時首爾》一書。 FB:男子的日常生活 IG :mens_30s_life BLOG:mens30slife.com


產品目錄 台北印象Impressions of Taipei 魯肉飯Lu Rou Fan、珍珠奶茶Bubble Tea、計程車Taxis、機車Motorbikes、廟宇Temples、夜市Night Markets、口罩Face Masks、發票Receipt Lottery、婚姻平權Marriage Equality、台北101Taipei 101 序preface 》》城北north of town 混蛋老闆果汁店Hun Dan Lao Ban Juice Bar juice bar 台北市立美術館Taipei Fine Arts Museum museum 文心藝所Winsing Art Place atelier&bookstore&cafe 兒童新樂園Taipei Children's Amusement Park amusement park 酒菜市場Jiucai Market bistro 》》城東east of town Cypress&Chestnut pastry boutique 朋丁ponding bookshop&cafe 十間茶屋Shi Jian Tea teahouse 三徑就荒Hermit's Hut teahouse 貓下去敦北俱樂部Meowvelous restaurant Everywhere burger club 漢堡俱樂部 burger joint Delicate Antique antique shop 北門鳳李冰Bei Men Feng Li Bing ice cream shop 象山Elephant Mountain spot 不只是圖書館Not Just Library library 永和豆漿大王Yonghe Soy Milk King soy milk shop 時寓Shiyu restaurant 阿娥水餃A'e Dumplings diner 以馬內利鮮魚湯Emmanuel Fish Soup food stall 興波咖啡Simple Kaffa coffee shop Deux Doux crèmerie, pâtisserie & café ice cream shop 》》城南south of town 針葉林TAIGA restaurant 詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店Chan Chi Hot Pots Lab - Dunnan Branch restaurant Brush&Green select shop 金雞母Jingimoo ice cream shop 香色Xiang Se restaurant Ruins Coffee Roasters coffee shop 白水豆花Bai Shui Tofu Pudding sweets 尖蚪Tadpole Point Cafe cafe 》》城西west of town 61 note cafe&select shop MKCR cafe 幻猻家咖啡Pallas Café cafe 明星咖啡館Café Astoria cafe 夏野豆行Summer Savage Coffee coffee shop A Design&Life Project select shop HERE&THERE dessert parlour 蜂大咖啡Fong Da Coffee cafe 東一排骨Dong Yi Pork Ribs diner 金仙魚丸Jin Shien Fish Balls food stall 角公園咖啡Triangle Garden Cafe cafe 林母仔的店Mother Lin's Seafood diner 林合發油飯店Lin He Fa Glutinous Rice deli 滋生青草店Zih Sheng Herbal Tea drink bar 滋養豆餡舖Lin’s Wagashi Confectionery sweets 福元胡椒餅Fu Yuan Peppered Meat Pastry food stall 》》城外out of town 門前隱味Wumamii diner 山波Simple Dessert cafe 迷迷路食堂Take A Walk Diner diner 九份老街Jiufen Old Street spot 福隆海水浴場Fulong Beach spot 綠河Green River Roastery cafe Cafe Hytte cafe 》》特輯special 在台北逛夜市visiting the night markets-南機場夜市Nanjichang Night Market 吃台味早餐having a traditional breakfast-慈聖宮廟口小吃Cisheng Temple Food Stalls 爬山 mountain climbing-小觀音山Xiaoguanyin Mountain 傳統祭典 traditional festival-青山王祭The Qingshan King Rituals 音樂祭 music festival-簡單生活節Simple Life Festival 花藝 floriculture-mikiw studio


書名 / 台北多謝 Taipei, to-sia: 陪你旅行當道地的台霸郎 How to travel like a local
作者 / 男子的日常生活
簡介 / 台北多謝 Taipei, to-sia: 陪你旅行當道地的台霸郎 How to travel like a local:內容簡介用一本書,謝謝台北的存在,陪你一起走過城裡城外。咖啡店、餐廳、小吃、美術館、
出版社 / 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789571389592
ISBN10 / 9571389595
EAN / 9789571389592
誠品26碼 / 2682010600005
頁數 / 224
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 26X19X1.3CM
級別 / N:無


自序 : 自序

正好去年初再次收到男子製本所J.J. 的來信,問起了新書計畫,也才有了此次與時報出版合作的機會。當時疫情讓所有人都待在原地,我們也有了更多時間重新認識自己生長的這塊土地,想著今年也許就是那最好的一年,我們能將心念許久的心願實現。於是,2020 年我們調整了工作步調,在這一年裡我們發文少了,平時動態也安靜許多,因為兩人正沈溺於台北這座可愛的城市裡,無法自拔!




Eddie, Juju

混蛋老闆果汁店 Hun Dan Lao Ban Juice Bar





“Could I get a mixed-egg juice, without sugar and less ice?”

The man got off from his motorbike and walked over to the shopkeeper. Soon after he paid for his order, the sound of the blender stopped. His customised "mixed-egg" smoothie was ready. After a big slurp, he left with a satisfied look on his face.

The doors of "Hun Dan Lao Ban (Mixed-egg Boss) Juice Bar" have been open for business for nearly 40 years. It didn’t get its name because the owner is a bastard (mixed-egg in Mandarin sounds the same as ‘bastard’), instead, it's aptly named for what it sells - smoothies with raw eggs. Not only can you crack an egg into to your freshly made smoothie, but the drink can be made to order to suit your preferred sweetness and amount of ice.

There's a contrast between the glass cabinet displaying colourful and vibrant rows of fruit, and the rustic backdrop of the tiny store. Your drink can be personalised to include whatever you want, so long as the shopkeeper can make it. In the summer, the smoothies are especially popular with locals who see them as a healthy and nutritious way of staving off the summer heat.

We always like to sit on the bench in front of the stall, taking our time to enjoy the drinks. Slow summer days make for lovely memories.

以馬內利鮮魚湯 Emmanuel Fish Soup




Located at Lane 11, Section 1, Hangzhou South Road, near Shandao Temple MRT Station, the Emmanuel Fish Soup has been passed down through three generations of hardworking Taiwanese owners. As testament to their skills, their menu has remained exactly the same for more than 40 years and the locals are no stranger to the treasures that the shop outputs - a signature set meal consisting of a hearty bowl of fish soup and stir-fried vermicelli or noodles, or both.

The fish soup is comprised of a clear broth made with fresh tilapia and infused with a hint of Taiwanese basil which adds a noticeable and well-paired fragrance. The roughly chopped chunks of tilapia inside mean that you might be surprised with some fish bones - just pile these on the table as the locals do and the staff will clean them up. The stir-fried noodles have a beautiful springy texture and the slightly thicker than normal vermicelli is sourced from a local mill which has enjoyed a long history with the store. If you’re in the mood for an extra kick, spice up your noodles with a splash of vinegar and chilli oil.

When you visit the store, you might find many single eaters sitting side-by-side along the narrow rows of tables, chowing down on their food. After only 10 minutes, you’ll see customers leaving, with a satisfied smile on their faces, an empty bowl and a pile of fish bones left on the table.


最佳賣點 : 用一本書,謝謝台北的存在,陪你一起走過城裡城外。
