美國哈利波特赫夫帕夫文具禮盒 | 誠品線上


商品描述 美國哈利波特赫夫帕夫文具禮盒:GivethisdeluxeHARRYPOTTER™HUFFLEPUFF™setasathoughtfulgiftforanyfanofthebelovedHarryPotterfilms.Thisgiftsetincludes:Hufflepuff™C


內容簡介 【哈利波特|赫夫帕夫學院文具禮盒】 ✰風靡全球經典佳作 展現你對魔法學院的深深熱愛 以象徵忠誠與包容的赫夫帕夫學院為設計重點,換上黑、黃相間的色系,搭配迷人精緻的獾標誌,呈現出優雅的學院特質。 ✰套組內含筆記本、魔杖筆、赫夫帕夫香味蠟燭各一 內頁嚴選高品質厚磅紙張,滑順好寫、不暈染不散墨,平攤式設計好書寫,共192頁的大容量,無論是寫字或是繪圖都很方便!搭配像是從電影中拿出來的魔杖筆與柑橘香氣蠟燭,沈浸在濃濃的赫夫帕夫學院情懷中。商品尺寸:29.8X24.8X5.4CM"


作者介紹 Scott CampbellScott Campbell, sometimes known as Scott C., is the creator of the GREAT SHOWDOWNS online series and Double Fine Action Comics. He was art director and concept artist at Double Fine Productions on such games as Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, and Broken Age. His illustrated picture books include Zombie in Love, Zombie in Love 2 + 1, East Dragon West Dragon, XO, OX: A Love Story, Bob Dylan's If Dogs Run Free and Hug Machine, in which he has written the words as well as created the pictures. Scott lives in New York City.


商品名 / 美國哈利波特赫夫帕夫文具禮盒
簡介 / 美國哈利波特赫夫帕夫文具禮盒:GivethisdeluxeHARRYPOTTER™HUFFLEPUFF™setasathoughtfulgiftforanyfanofthebelovedHarryPotterfilms.Thisgiftsetincludes:Hufflepuff™C
誠品26碼 / 2681917243001
尺寸 / 29.8X24.8X5.4CM
級別 / N:無
成分 /
材質 / 紙 塑膠 錫
重量(g) / 789
提供維修 /
