野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版 | 誠品線上

野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版

商品描述 野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版:,【野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔蝙蝠俠飛鏢版】電影《黑暗騎士》(TheDarkKnight)被視為影史最棒的超級英雄電影之一,在


內容簡介 【野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版】電影《黑暗騎士》(The Dark Knight) 被視為影史最棒的超級英雄電影之一,在黎明昇起之前的黑夜是最艱困的,但只要熬過去了就是光明,大部分得英雄電影會將正義及邪惡分明呈現,但在《黑暗騎士》(The Dark Knight)劇情中,不斷試探善與惡之間的界線,同時更帶出電影中各個角色的心理黑暗層面。娛樂品牌「野獸國」旗下MiniEgg Attack系列,首次推出DC系列「黑暗騎士」5款經典角色。大家最熟悉的主角的「蝙蝠俠」,拿著招牌武器「鉤繩槍」與「飛鏢」,分別展現準備出及與阻止罪犯的不同打鬥姿態,而高智商罪犯「小丑」,大衣間藏著經典攻擊配件手榴彈,忠實還原劇中小丑造型及冷酷姿態;電影中正義與邪惡界限模糊反派,常以計謀來造成混亂的「雙面人」,一枚銀幣,決定人生,正如銀幣的正反兩面,一切命運皆有命定!;口戴面罩的大反派「班恩」,有著高智商及壯碩身形精通各種格鬥技巧,與蝙蝠俠於街上亂戰打鬥精彩一幕,讓影迷們無不印象深刻;緊接著,蝙蝠俠最知名的敵手之一「貓女」也同時收入,最為人熟知的就是他與蝙蝠俠之間複雜的愛恨糾葛,及周旋在暴力環境下的女飛賊,是一個非常具有吸引力的角色。喜愛蝙蝠俠的粉絲們~別猶豫 趕緊將整套「黑暗騎士系列」5款經典角色帶回家!!● MEA系列DC黑暗騎士系列 初次登場。● 5款經典角色搭配劇中經典POSE。● 蝙蝠俠手持鉤繩槍準備出擊, 蝙蝠俠丟蝙蝠鏢阻止罪犯、小丑拉手榴彈威脅黑幫、班恩衝向蝙蝠俠、雙面人擲硬幣做抉擇、貓女蓄勢待發。“The night is darkest just before the dawn”,said Harvey Dent before becoming the infamous Two-Face! Often considered as oneof the best superhero film series of all time, The Dark Knight Trilogy byChristopher Nolan is still one of the staples of modern cinema.An exhilarating trilogy that explores the many facets of superheroes, byshowcasing the line between the light and darkness.Withsuch a rich and diverse set of characters, what better way to showcase therange than with a new line of Mini Egg Attack figures from the EntertainmentExperience Brand: Beast Kingdom.The new Dark Knight MEA range is launched with five classic characters eachwith its own distinctive costume, signature pose, weapons and accessories. Batmanhimself is depicted in two version one with a grappling gun and the other readyfor flight with the famous batarang.Next up, arguably the most famous villain of the franchise: The Joker! Here he isseen carrying a set of grenades under his long purple trench coat, the perfect personificationof chaos!Catwoman, aka Selina Kyle also makes an appearance, a character with acomplicated, seductive love-hate relationship with Batman and Bruce Wayne, butone who ultimately helps to save the day!Two-Face, the anti-hero makes for the ultimate in blurring the line betweenvillain and fallen hero! Harvey Dent was, poised to be the White-Knight ofGotham tragically ends up disfigured in one side of his face, using a coin tomake decisions based on sheer luck!Finally the biggest and strongest villain that Batman has faced yet, thehulking Bane is smart as much as he is fierce. The only person to ever reallybreak Batman, but could he break his soul?For all fans of these DC characters, there is something here for any shelf! Somake sure to collect all 5 characters in the Dark Knight series and wait foryour very own dawn!<Actual product may slightly differ from imageshown><Product details can be subject to change withoutprior notice><Delivery of products are subject to change>購買注意事項:● 商品上色塗裝及組裝多採手工處理,製作過程中產生的細微差異屬正常現象。● 商品圖片可能為產品原型,與實際販售商品可能存在些微差異,尚請見諒。● 商品顏色會因電腦螢幕設定而略有色差,請以實品為準。● 商品尺寸因樣式、測量基準不同,會略有誤差,請以實品為準。● 避免日光直射、溫熱、潮濕、密閉的環境,以免造成商品的毀損及變質。● 商品包含細小零件 配件,請放置孩童與寵物不易取得之處,● 模型公仔商品請小心存放,避免商品摔落發生危險。● 商品有可能因故變更交貨日期或缺貨而導致寄送延遲,在此狀況下本公司不負任何賠償責任。● 寄送過程可能造成商品外包裝磨損。如有疑慮,歡迎親臨實體門市選購,避免相關爭議。● 網站商品圖片為樣品參考,產品以實際出貨為準,出貨商品規格不含情境照之任何擺設。退換貨注意事項:● 盲盒類模型產品,任何拆盒(含線上拆盒)之後,非質量問題,均不支援退換貨。● 若在商品猶豫期間內欲退換貨,商品狀態須為全新且包裝完整,配件缺一不可。● 7天鑑賞期非試用期,商品經拆封使用、無原廠包裝、外盒毀損、拆解、商品附屬配件 贈品短缺,將會影響您的退貨換貨權益。為保護您的權益,在收到貨的7日內發現有品質不良問題,請及時聯絡誠品線上,並留存好購物憑證,確認憑證後如判定為重大瑕疵,將為您提供完善的售後服務。● 非於誠品線上購買之商品將無法受理任何售後服務,請諒解!"


商品名 / 野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版
簡介 / 野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔 蝙蝠俠 飛鏢版:,【野獸國MEA-017黑暗騎士系列公仔蝙蝠俠飛鏢版】電影《黑暗騎士》(TheDarkKnight)被視為影史最棒的超級英雄電影之一,在
誠品26碼 / 2682200391003
尺寸 / 5X5X7.6CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / ABS丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯 PVC聚氯乙烯
重量(g) / 0
提供維修 /
