Poeme: The Artistry of Lydia Mordkovitch | 誠品線上

詩曲: 小提琴家莫德高維契的藝術

作者 莫德高維契/ 克力佛.賓森/ 朱利安.米佛
出版社 上揚國際股份有限公司
商品描述 Poeme: The Artistry of Lydia Mordkovitch:Thisrecordingisare-issueoftheromanticchambermusicrecordingthatLydiaMordkovitchmadein1989withthepianistMarinaGusak-Grin


內容簡介 This recording is a re-issue of the romantic chamber music recording that Lydia Mordkovitch made in 1989 with the pianist Marina Gusak-Grin. It featured pieces for violin by such famous composers as Wagner, Rachmaninoff, and Chausson, neither of whom played the violin or favoured it as a solo instrument.If there were any doubts about the lyrical potential of the violin, however, this would be an album to confirm its true status as the poet among instruments. The prime example is Chausson’s Poème – a title applied to the whole collection, as the other pieces make the same point.Two pieces complement this recording: the one movement sonata of 1897 (the Sonate posthume) by Ravel, which was both his first chamber work and his first attempt at sonata form, and Sospiri, Op. 70, Elgar’s last short piece for violin and piano. These pieces were recorded in 1989 and 1996, respectively.


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書名 / Poeme: The Artistry of Lydia Mordkovitch
作者 / 莫德高維契 克力佛.賓森 朱利安.米佛
簡介 / Poeme: The Artistry of Lydia Mordkovitch:Thisrecordingisare-issueoftheromanticchambermusicrecordingthatLydiaMordkovitchmadein1989withthepianistMarinaGusak-Grin
出版社 / 上揚國際股份有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 5115186624
EAN / 0095115186626
誠品26碼 / 2681176866003
語言 / 99:無
級別 / N:無
