The Sea and Cake (Light Blue Vinyl) | 誠品線上

海與蛋糕 (淺藍彩膠唱片)

作者 海與蛋糕樂團
出版社 鴻星唱片有限公司
商品描述 The Sea and Cake (Light Blue Vinyl):TheSeaandCakeonvinylagain!This2012editionhasbeenremasteredtovinylbyRogerSeibelatSAEMastering.Packagedinafullcolorjacketemul


內容簡介 The Sea and Cake on vinyl again! This 2012 edition has been remastered to vinyl by Roger Seibel at SAE Mastering. Packaged in a full color jacket emulating the original and for the first time includes a free download coupon.


作者介紹 The Sea and Cake/演唱者


書名 / The Sea and Cake (Light Blue Vinyl)
作者 / 海與蛋糕樂團
簡介 / The Sea and Cake (Light Blue Vinyl):TheSeaandCakeonvinylagain!This2012editionhasbeenremasteredtovinylbyRogerSeibelatSAEMastering.Packagedinafullcolorjacketemul
出版社 / 鴻星唱片有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 0377001619
EAN / 0790377001617
誠品26碼 / 2681690061007
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
