祖先的呼喚 (2LP 黑色帶白色飛濺彩膠唱片 附限量流水號) | 誠品線上

Ancestors Call (2LP Black with White splatter Vinyl)

作者 恆哈圖樂隊 (恒哈图乐队/Huun-Huur-Tu)
出版社 老頭音樂
商品描述 祖先的呼喚 (2LP 黑色帶白色飛濺彩膠唱片 附限量流水號):,Intheearly1990s,themusicoftheRepublicofTuvacaughttheearsofworldmusiclisteners.Tuvanmusichadmorethanitssh


內容簡介 In the early 1990s, the music of the Republic of Tuva caught the ears of world music listeners. Tuvan music had more than its share of exoticism for Westerners. Traces of Silk Road footpaths wind through the music, as Tuva itself sits at the center of Asia: 2500 miles east of Moscow, nestled near southern Siberia, north of the border of Mongolia. Huun Huur Tu were amongst the most important ensembles to emerge from Tuva, and the group did much to bring the unique sound of overtone singing to the concert stage. The remarkable practice of overtone singing in Tuva allows one individual to sound as if he were a choir unto himself, accompanied by a drone or even a flute. Combined with horse hair fiddles and large shamanic drums, Tuvan music remarkably transports one's mind to the central Asian steppes. Thematically, Tuvan music expresses a very particular sense of place, with traditional songs about rotten logs, rivers, mountains, herds of animals, and life on horseback; it is an explosive, intense evocation of nature and a people's relationship to it. Ancestors Call follows on some experimentation for the veteran Huun Huur Tu group. As with the most intriguing of world music acts, the overtones and instrumentation of the band have entered the world music market first in its 'pure' form, and then chopped up and transplanted into new sonic environments (such as Spirits from Tuva [2003], a remix album; work with the experimental Tuvan chanteuse Sainkho Namtchylak [2008]; or the band's last ambient record with Carmen Rizzo, Eternal [2009]). Ancestors Call is very much a return to basics for Huun Huur Tu, one deeply informed by their global experiences, and the group revisits some of their repertoire ('Orphan's Lament' and 'Konguroi [Sixty Horses in My Herd],' and 'Ancestors'). There is a starkness to this Ancestors Call record that is especially stunning, alternately trippy (listening to 'Kozhamyk' is to feel the wind rushing in your face as you suit up for battle) and spacious (both 'Odugen Taiga,' with its embedded animal cries, and 'Ancestors' give one the impression of standing under an immense sky). The rootedness of place remains, the essential earthiness of Tuva (“If I ride a reindeer moose will not escape me If I ride a reindeer and hunt elk will not escape me”). Huun Huur Tu seem to be aiming for more of an acoustic ambient balance, while re-familiarizing listeners with the wonders of their vocal skills. Both 'Prayer' and especially 'Remembering Ulaatai River' are astonishing pieces of Tuvan singing, the latter a tour-de-force of overtone singing that will leave you gasping for breath. Sometimes, Tuvan music could be viewed as an Eastern cousin of Western country cowboy music. Huun Huur Tu feature three songs here that capture the verisimilitude of horses and horse riding, with percussion rattling like harnesses as the melodies lope along. On 'Chyraa-Khoor,' one of the band members even flaps his lips at the end of the song in imitation of a horse's lather after a traveler's long ride! That's how close Huun Huur Tu brings you in on this journey of theirs; now go saddle up. - Lee Blackstone 位於亞洲中心點的吐瓦(Tuva),因為獨特地理位置與歷史文化,所孕育出的傳統歌謠,在世界音樂領域中向來佔有一席之地;而樂迷們不可不知的,當屬從1992年成立至今的恆哈圖樂團(Huun Huur Tu),他們不但是吐瓦音樂中最早聞名世界的代表性團體,更是一塊無價文化瑰寶。 恆哈圖樂團目前由Kaigal-ool Khovalyg、Sayan Bapa、Radik Tulush和Alexei Saryglar四人所組成,團員們除了擅長演奏吐瓦傳統樂器,例如二弦馬頭琴、三弦琴、共鳴盒外,也使用喉唱(xoomei)、口哨及其他人聲演唱方式,再現自然界的聲音之美。 吐瓦語Huun-Huur-Tu有「光芒四射」之意;他們致力於吐瓦傳統歌謠的保存與創新,1993年之後,開始和西方音樂工作者合作,其中包括大名鼎鼎的Frank Zappa、The Chieftains、The Kronos Quartet與L. Shankar等等,電影Geronimo原聲帶甚至也收錄了Huun-Huur-Tu的作品。近幾年在歐、美、日、澳等各地音樂祭裡也常見到他們的身影,除了專輯銷售亮眼,許多傳媒和樂評在音樂性方面,也都給予他們高度讚賞: ‧Jazz Time:他們的歌聲傳達出一種草根性的快樂和無雜質的豐富情感 ‧The Chicago Tribune:這個聲音既陌生又遙遠,彷彿來自另一個世界,但卻充滿了深刻精神性,而且是一種根植於自然大地的音樂! Track List: Side A 1. Mazhalyk-Ta 3:11 2. Kozhamyk 3:56 3. Eki Attar 3:21 4. Orphan`s Lament 8:47 Side B 5. Eerbek Aksy 2:18 6. Konguroi (Sixty Horses In My Herd) 5:08 7. Saryglarlar 8:18 8. Chyraa-Khoor (Yellow Pacer) 5:42 Side C 9. Remebering Ulaatai River 3:11 10. Odugen Taiga 8:54 11. Prayer 1:35 12. Ancestors 5:21


書名 / 祖先的呼喚 (2LP 黑色帶白色飛濺彩膠唱片 附限量流水號)
作者 / 恆哈圖樂隊 (恒哈图乐队 Huun-Huur-Tu)
簡介 / 祖先的呼喚 (2LP 黑色帶白色飛濺彩膠唱片 附限量流水號):,Intheearly1990s,themusicoftheRepublicofTuvacaughttheearsofworldmusiclisteners.Tuvanmusichadmorethanitssh
出版社 / 老頭音樂
ISBN13 / 9787883346548
ISBN10 / 7883346547
EAN / 9787883346548
誠品26碼 / 2682339089000
語言 / 20:蒙語
尺寸 / 32X32X0.8CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : Folk, World Music, Overtone Singing, Tuva, Xoomei
