A Quick History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Just Now | 誠品線上

A Quick History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Just Now

作者 Clive Gifford
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 A Quick History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Just Now:宇宙小歷史宇宙是如何開始的呢?本書從從宇宙大爆炸開始,介紹宇宙最開始的樣貌,而後瞬息萬變,產生物


內容簡介 宇宙小歷史宇宙是如何開始的呢?本書從從宇宙大爆炸開始,介紹宇宙最開始的樣貌,而後瞬息萬變,產生物質。作者再依次原子怎麼形成的、宇宙黑暗時代、元恆星如何變成星星?什麼是星雲?最早的銀河長怎樣?銀河的各種形狀為何?接著,介紹彗星、太陽、月亮、太陽系、小行星,還有我們居住的地球。插圖逗趣可愛,比喻生活化,作者比喻普朗克時期後的宇宙,其快速膨脹的速度比有sugar rush﹙吃糖後的興奮感﹚驅動的體育老師還要快><。讀完簡易宇宙小歷史,若想知道更多,書末也提供網站和書籍訊息,以便讀者深入探討。Strap in for a rip-roaring ride through the history of the universe, starting with the Big Bang, and bringing us right up to present day. What was the universe like when it was a few seconds old? How had it changed by its millionth birthday? And when did time even start, for that matter?! The story of the last 13.8 billion years in one handy volume, you can read about the start of stars, the growth of galaxies and the production of planets. Plus, there are some great dad jokes. Hold on tight...Read the story of how the universe developed, and discover:In the beginning there was... what exactly? What was the beginning of the universe actually like?Some suns have just got that star quality... but which stars are really hot stuff?Who’s who in the galactic zoo? There are several different types of galaxy in the universe. How do they form?The tragic death of the star – how do stars die, and why?What’s blacker than black… a black hole!Peek into the future – what will the universe be like in the next few billion years?How do we even know this stuff? Read about the scientists who are figuring it all out.Packed with fun cartoons and facts, A Quick History of the Universe tackles the biggest topic in the universe – literally – in chronological order. Before you know it, you’ll be an expert on the history of space, the universe and everything."


作者介紹 Clive GiffordClive Gifford has traveled to more than 70 countries, climbed rocket launch towers, ridden on robots, and flown gliders. He's had more than 200 books published and has received nominations for or won Royal Society, School Library Association, Smithsonian, and TES awards. He won the Blue Peter Book Award for Best Book with Facts 2019 for his title The Colors of History (QEB). Clive lives in Manchester, UK.


書名 / A Quick History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Just Now
作者 / Clive Gifford
簡介 / A Quick History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Just Now:宇宙小歷史宇宙是如何開始的呢?本書從從宇宙大爆炸開始,介紹宇宙最開始的樣貌,而後瞬息萬變,產生物
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9780711258372
ISBN10 / 0711258376
EAN / 9780711258372
誠品26碼 / 2681870824002
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.4X17.1X0CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : 2
