Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular | 誠品線上

Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular

作者 Katy Flint
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular:你看過閃電、彩虹,但你看過極光、或雙彩虹嗎?自然界的光影,是不插電的大型霓虹燈光秀,既然不插電,那這些現象是怎麼形


內容簡介 你看過閃電、彩虹,但你看過極光、或雙彩虹嗎?自然界的光影,是不插電的大型霓虹燈光秀,既然不插電,那這些現象是怎麼形成的呢?跟著書中兩位探險家,一起南征北討,探索地球上最神奇的自然現象,從極光、紐西蘭螢火蟲洞穴、流星雨、幻日、雙彩虹、血紅月亮、光柱到火山光…,每一跨頁介紹一個自然現象。書末附一張64X 29.6公分的大海報,海報能在黑夜發光喔﹙需先在燈源下吸光﹚!Lightning! Rainbows! Auroras! Discover Earth's most amazing natural phenomena in this adventure around the globe, including a glow-in-the-dark poster. Follow two intrepid explorers as they witness the Northern Lights, marvel in wonder at glow worm caves, go hunting for double rainbows, and dodge volcanic lightning. A perfect book for young explorers. Turn off the light to see the 640 × 296 mm tear-out poster glow, featuring the stages of a solar eclipse. (Be sure to charge it in the light first.) Each spread features an enchanting illustration of a different natural phenomenon animated by a description of the science behind it, told in exciting prose. Fact boxes call out more information. Some of the wonderful things you’ll see:Volcanic LightningMeteor ShowersDouble RainbowsSun DogsGlowworm CavesSuper Blood MoonLight pillarsAurorasPoster: Solar eclipse"


作者介紹 Katy Flint is an author, editor, and musician, based in London. She studied violin at the University of Southampton, before moving into children's books. She is the author of the best-selling sound book The Story Orchestra: The Nutcracker, and has worked on many other non-fiction titles – from human bodies to dinosaurs.CORNELIA LI is a Chinese born illustrator currently based in Toronto, Canada. Her clients include: New York Times, Chicago Readers, PBS Newshour, Reader's Digest Canada.


書名 / Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular
作者 / Katy Flint
簡介 / Glow in the Dark: Nature's Light Spectacular:你看過閃電、彩虹,但你看過極光、或雙彩虹嗎?自然界的光影,是不插電的大型霓虹燈光秀,既然不插電,那這些現象是怎麼形
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9780711251960
ISBN10 / 0711251967
EAN / 9780711251960
誠品26碼 / 2681855950009
頁數 / 24
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.6X22.2X0CM
級別 / N:無
