Her (LP White Vinyl) | 誠品線上

雲端情人 (白色彩膠唱片)

作者 Arcade Fire & Owen Pallett (拱廊之火 與歐文.帕雷特)
出版社 Bertus Groothandel & Distributie
商品描述 Her (LP White Vinyl):Herisascience-fictionromancefilmdirectedbySpikeJonze.Inthenotsodistantfuture,Theodore,alonelywriter,purchasesanewlydevelopedoperatingsyste


內容簡介 Her is a science-fiction romance film directed by Spike Jonze. In the not so distant future, Theodore, a lonely writer, purchases a newly developed operating system designed to meet the user’s every need. To Theodore’s surprise, a romantic relationship blossoms between him and the software. Technology and love blend in an unexpected tale that explores the nature of emotion, and the ways that tech isolate - and connect - us all. Her was a striking success, and was nominated for five five Oscars including Best Picture. The original score to Her was composed by the band Arcade Fire with additional music provided by Owen Pallett. Their music is a constant companion to Theodore, and runs as a delicate, airy thread through the film. Though critically lauded and nominated for Best Original Score, Her has been unreleased until now. Her (Original Score) features 13 tracks from Arcade Fire and Owen Pallet mastered specifically for the vinyl format, including the delightful "Supersymmetry ". This release is pressed on a white vinyl record and housed in an inner sleeve within a single pocket jacket.【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|唱片行裡職人的黑膠推薦,10張專輯「樂」聽「樂」對味!(播放清單隨時更新)撰文|誠品音樂・編輯|Millie 米粒誠品音樂館成立於1999年,至今引進超過20萬種影音出版品,廣納豐富多元兼具深度音樂推薦,也積極邀請音樂人現場演出,不斷延伸人文生活向度。數位時代,黑膠唱片是一個什麼樣的存在?如果你走進唱片行,你會發現這裡的音樂,讓忙亂的生活步調慢了下來,每張作品依原本的順序播放著......誠品音樂職人皆在音樂領域深耕多年,擁有獨到的見解與品味,如果你也正在尋找音樂的路上,職人的黑膠選品可能會是你的方向。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章"


書名 / Her (LP White Vinyl)
作者 / Arcade Fire & Owen Pallett (拱廊之火 與歐文.帕雷特)
簡介 / Her (LP White Vinyl):Herisascience-fictionromancefilmdirectedbySpikeJonze.Inthenotsodistantfuture,Theodore,alonelywriter,purchasesanewlydevelopedoperatingsyste
出版社 / Bertus Groothandel & Distributie
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 /
EAN / 0194398326412
誠品26碼 / 2681982840006
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 32X32X1CM
級別 / N:無
