The War That Saved My Life | 誠品線上

The War That Saved My Life

作者 Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
商品描述 The War That Saved My Life:*2016NewberyHonorbook*Winnerofthe2016SchneiderFamilyBookAwardThisNewYorkTimesbestsellerisanexceptionallymovingstoryoftriumphagainsta


內容簡介 *2016 Newbery Honor book*Winner of the 2016 Schneider Family Book Award This New York Times bestseller is an exceptionally moving story of triumph against all odds set during World War 2. For fans of Counting by 7s. Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him. So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?


作者介紹 Kimberly Brubaker Bradley lives on a forty-two-acre farm in Bristol, Tennessee. She is the author of several books for children, including Leap of Faith, and Jefferson's Sons.


書名 / The War That Saved My Life
作者 / Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
簡介 / The War That Saved My Life:*2016NewberyHonorbook*Winnerofthe2016SchneiderFamilyBookAwardThisNewYorkTimesbestsellerisanexceptionallymovingstoryoftriumphagainsta
ISBN13 / 9780147510488
ISBN10 / 0147510481
EAN / 9780147510488
誠品26碼 / 2681304643001
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X12.9CM
級別 / N:無
