內容簡介 Nexo未來騎士團 隨書附贈巫師梅洛克樂高小偶+騎士王國地圖一張阿隆、克雷、艾克索、梅西、蘭斯,5位騎士剛從騎士學院畢業,準備要接受挑戰!這5位騎士,誰的性格最樂天?(封面笑容開朗的那位),本書介紹五位忍者不同的個性、擅長的技法、武器、朋友、敵人以及各項小祕密;想知道小丑必爭的魔物之書有什麼祕密嗎?或是逛一逛數位巫師梅洛克2.0的圖書館嗎?裡面有暗黑魔法書喔!還有,聽說騎士們的盟友兼技術專家—艾娃似乎電動玩具不離身?真的嗎?另外本書首次揭露騎士們的Greatest power 新能力! 只要上網掃描就可以看到喔! 最後還附全角色列表以及騎士王國地圖一張,讓你一目瞭然,一起準備迎接最勇敢的5位未來騎士吧!Prepare to enter a futuristic knights' realm, with epic quests, scary monsters and true technical wizardry in LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ The Book of Knights.Young knights battle monstrous foes in the exciting land of Knighton, The Book of Knights chronicles these heroes and their adventures, complete with exciting powers and upgrades from a virtual world!Full of brand new LEGO sets and characters such as Lance, Macy and Jestro, The Book of Knights comes with a new and exclusive LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS minifigure and access to exclusive online content with the unique NEXO KNIGHTS shield!LEGO, the LEGO logo, NEXO KNIGHTS, the Brick and Knob configuration and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2016 The LEGO Group. Produced by Dorling Kindersley under licence from the LEGO Group.