The Seedling that Didn't Want to Grow | 誠品線上

The Seedling that Didn't Want to Grow

作者 Britta Teckentrup
商品描述 The Seedling that Didn't Want to Grow:不願長大的小種子初春,泥土裡的種子紛紛鑽出泥土,吐出新芽,伸展雙手、邁出雙腿迎接太陽。種子們開出了新葉,往下扎了根,開出


內容簡介 不願長大的小種子初春,泥土裡的種子紛紛鑽出泥土,吐出新芽,伸展雙手、邁出雙腿迎接太陽。種子們開出了新葉,往下扎了根,開出一朵朵美麗的向日葵。但是其中有一顆種子沒有任何動靜。優雅脆弱的小種子,引起瓢蟲、螞蟻的好奇。原來向日葵為數眾多,遮了陽光,小種子得不到足夠的溫暖,還沒準備好,無法開花。小種子想要尋找陽光,於是在鳥、老鼠、蝴蝶、瓢蟲陪伴下,啟程尋找陽光。最後,小種子找到適合牠的生長空間,健康地開出一朵美麗的花,像其他向日葵一樣。《樹:春夏秋冬,季節流轉》 ﹙Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book﹚布麗塔.泰肯特拉普Britta Teckentrup 創作,她用柔柔的筆觸、溫暖的色調,告訴讀者:別怕和大家不一樣,只要持續、堅定,終究能有好的結果。This story about a reluctant seedling packs a powerful message about the benefits of being different.It's early spring and below the earth's surface seeds are just starting to sprout. One by one they stretch through the dirt and towards the sun, extending their shoots and leaves and growing tall. All except for one seedling, who isn't quite ready. Each page of this gentle but powerfully evocative book demonstrates how some of us are different. As most of the seeds transform into strong flowers, they block out the sun from the one left behind. But the little seedling persists, twisting and turning until, with the help of bird and insect friends, it finds its own place to grow and blossom. In the end, this little seed turns into a flower that's just as beautiful and healthy as all the others. Hailed by Publishers Weekly as "delicate, complex, extravagant, beautiful and strong, " Teckentrup's inviting and softly colored illustrations provide the perfect backdrop for this moving tale about being unique while subtly teaching kids about the life cycle of plants."


作者介紹 BRITTA TECKENTRUP has written and illustrated more than seventy children's books, which have been published in more than twenty countries. Her books include The Egg, Birds and Their Feathers, Oskar and Mo, and Before I Wake Up (all by Prestel). She lives in Berlin, Germany.


書名 / The Seedling that Didn't Want to Grow
作者 / Britta Teckentrup
簡介 / The Seedling that Didn't Want to Grow:不願長大的小種子初春,泥土裡的種子紛紛鑽出泥土,吐出新芽,伸展雙手、邁出雙腿迎接太陽。種子們開出了新葉,往下扎了根,開出
ISBN13 / 9783791374291
ISBN10 / 379137429X
EAN / 9783791374291
誠品26碼 / 2681868270002
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.7X27.9X1.2CM
級別 / N:無
