The Witcher 4: The Tower of Swallows | 誠品線上

獵魔士長篇 4: 燕之塔

作者 安傑.薩普科夫斯基
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Witcher 4: The Tower of Swallows:NETFLIX影集《獵魔士》原著系列SoontobeamajorNetflixoriginalseries!Theworldisatwarandtheprophesiedsaviorisnowheretobefound.T


內容簡介 NETFLIX影集《獵魔士》原著《The Whitcher》系列獵魔士長篇 4: 燕之塔繼《最後的願望》、《命運之劍》兩本短篇集之後,薩普科夫斯基以更廣闊的藍本,再度延續這個動人的奇幻故事。在這套全五冊的長篇故事中,他匯聚了一群不平凡的角色,為干戈無盡的諸國畫下輿圖。隨著故事進展,獵魔士生而為人的大哉問、種族衝突的立場困局、各種神話與哲學辯證的新穎觀點,被帶入這個充滿怪物、狡詐人物、複雜陰謀與情感的世界中。《獵魔士長篇》為奇幻文學帶來一場徹底的變革;為這個世界的輪廓與命運而戰的真實鬥爭,才正要開始。 ◎波蘭國寶級奇幻大師.波文譯本首次面世 ◎經典RPG遊戲「巫師」系列原著小說 ◎五度獲頒波蘭奇幻文學最高榮譽Zajdel大獎 ◎波蘭總理致贈給美國總統歐巴馬的國禮 ◎奇幻讀者票選大衛.蓋梅爾之「傳奇」大獎得主 華文世界的金庸.英語國家的托爾金 在波蘭,是安傑.薩普科夫斯基 身處遠方者,將死於瘟疫;身處近地者,將倒落劍下; 隱藏躲匿者,將死於飢餓;生還存活者,將喪於霜雪…… 命定之事,必將發生!? 命運劃下的曲線雖然曲折,卻會通向這座塔樓, 通向破壞,通向既定價值與秩序的顛覆。 而塔上方,有隻燕子。 燕子,奇來亞,是希望的象徵。 隱身沼澤的隱士發現了一名重傷女孩, 女孩臉上有道長長的傷痕。 當她恢復意識之後,講起了宛如夢魘的遭遇, 老鼠幫的末路,以及賞金獵人邦哈特留下的苦痛。 獵魔士繼續尋找著奇莉, 與吟遊詩人、弓箭手、不承認自己是尼夫加爾德人的年輕騎士, 以及自稱藥草師的吸血鬼,前往探訪德魯伊; 冥冥之中的指引,一名奇異精靈出現在他眼前。 夜梟斯卡蘭、女巫葉妮芙也都在尋找著繼承上古之血的孩子。 宛如蛛網般錯綜複雜、環環相扣的命運鎖鏈, 起源自遙遠年代的傳承,其終焉近在眼前⋯⋯本書介出自蓋亞文化出版《獵魔士長篇 4: 燕之塔》Soon to be a major Netflix original series! The world is at war and the prophesied savior is nowhere to be found. The Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, races to find her -- but time is short, and an army is on his heels in the fourth book of the NYT bestselling series that inspired the blockbuster video games. The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life. But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies including Dandelion, Milva, Regis, and Cahir, to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous. There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting... Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series: Witcher novels Blood of Elves The Time of Contempt Baptism of Fire The Tower of Swallows Lady of the Lake Season of Storms Witcher collections The Last Wish Sword of Destiny


作者介紹 Andrzej Sapkowski was born in 1948 in Poland. He studied economy and business, but the success of his fantasy cycle about the sorcerer Geralt of Rivia turned him into a bestselling writer. He is now one of Poland's most famous and successful authors.


書名 / The Witcher 4: The Tower of Swallows
作者 / 安傑.薩普科夫斯基
簡介 / The Witcher 4: The Tower of Swallows:NETFLIX影集《獵魔士》原著系列SoontobeamajorNetflixoriginalseries!Theworldisatwarandtheprophesiedsaviorisnowheretobefound.T
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316273718
ISBN10 / 0316273716
EAN / 9780316273718
誠品26碼 / 2681842030004
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X3.2CM
級別 / N:無
