The Iron Druid Chronicles 6: Hunted | 誠品線上

The Iron Druid Chronicles 6: Hunted

作者 Kevin Hearne
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Iron Druid Chronicles 6: Hunted:「赫恩的森林?我得橫跨歐洲才能跑到那裡。」「不想跑也可以死呀。」莫利根指出這一點。活了21個世紀的古老德魯伊很會逃命。這是好


內容簡介 凱文‧赫恩是幽默機智的出色說書人。在本書中,他用合理的解釋把各神話傳說巧妙織進故事之中,創造出一個令讀者覺得異常熟悉卻又高度原創的世界。本書出版後在美國引起熱烈迴響,銷售長紅,每一集都躍上《紐約時報》暢銷榜。《鋼鐵德魯伊》魔力十足,立下全新的奇幻里程碑! 德魯伊——古代智慧的守護者, 在凱爾特神話中,具有穿梭各神域的超能力…… 幹掉了索爾,就必須對付洛基! 跨神域諸神追獵, 德魯伊穿越歐洲大逃殺! 「赫恩的森林?我得橫跨歐洲才能跑到那裡。」 「不想跑也可以死呀。」莫利根指出這一點。 活了21個世紀的古老德魯伊很會逃命。這是好事,因為他身後正有阿緹蜜絲與黛安娜兩個狩獵女神在獵殺他。阿提克斯一面盡全力閃躲箭矢,帶著學徒關妮兒和忠實的獵狼犬歐伯隆努力奔逃、穿越歐洲;因為他的轉移世界能力遭到封鎖,不能像往常一樣玩德魯伊躲貓貓,只能死命地跑! 但北歐惡作劇之神洛基打斷了這場奪命馬拉松,祂打算在引發諸神黃昏前宰了阿提克斯。為了活命,阿提克斯一行人必須與希臘羅馬眾神好好溝通;而為了阻止末日到來,他們還要想辦法控制住那位惡作劇之神,並努力說服其他眾神成為他們的同盟……NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFor a two-thousand-year-old Druid, Atticus O’Sullivan is a pretty fast runner. Good thing, because he’s being chased by not one but two goddesses of the hunt—Artemis and Diana—for messing with one of their own. Dodging their slings and arrows, Atticus, Granuaile, and his wolfhound Oberon are making a mad dash across modern-day Europe to seek help from a friend of the Tuatha Dé Danann. His usual magical option of shifting planes is blocked, so instead of playing hide-and-seek, the game plan is . . . run like hell. Crashing the pantheon marathon is the Norse god Loki. Killing Atticus is the only loose end he needs to tie up before unleashing Ragnarok—AKA the Apocalypse. Atticus and Granuaile have to outfox the Olympians and contain the god of mischief if they want to go on living—and still have a world to live in.


作者介紹 Kevin Hearne hugs trees, pets doggies, and rocks out to heavy metal. He also thinks tacos are a pretty nifty idea. He is the author of A Plague of Giants and the New York Times bestselling series The Iron Druid Chronicles.


書名 / The Iron Druid Chronicles 6: Hunted
作者 / Kevin Hearne
簡介 / The Iron Druid Chronicles 6: Hunted:「赫恩的森林?我得橫跨歐洲才能跑到那裡。」「不想跑也可以死呀。」莫利根指出這一點。活了21個世紀的古老德魯伊很會逃命。這是好
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780345533630
ISBN10 / 0345533631
EAN / 9780345533630
誠品26碼 / 2680880388009
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.5X10.7X3CM
級別 / N:無
