Bruce Lee | 誠品線上

Bruce Lee

作者 Matthew Polly
商品描述 Bruce Lee:最熟悉的傳奇武術大師,最謎樣的人生結局打破李小龍神話,最真實的李小龍傳記「終於,李小龍擁有一本充滿力量的自傳…足以震撼所有李小龍迷,也讓人們重新認識


內容簡介 最熟悉的傳奇武術大師,最謎樣的人生結局打破李小龍神話,最真實的李小龍傳記「終於,李小龍擁有一本充滿力量的自傳…足以震撼所有李小龍迷,也讓人們重新認識他。」─《拳王阿里傳》作者Jonathan Eig「完美,超凡!」─《俠客‧歐尼爾傳》作者Jimmy McDonough《紐約時報》《對立觀點》《ESPN》《出版者周刊》一致好評推薦40年前一代武術大師李小龍於32歲意外猝逝,而調查記者兼作者的Matthew Polly展開長達10年的真相調查,剖析李小龍超凡的一生,同時這也是李小龍家人唯一官方授權的自傳作品。作者專訪上百位與他相關的人士,包括家人、朋友、事業夥伴,甚至是情婦,重新建構這位傳奇人物複雜又充滿人性的一生。作者追溯於李小龍童年時擔任童星;演員父親對鴉片上癮,也因此讓李小龍青少年時期就成為麻煩人物,甚至中學輟學後即被送往美國,自此改變他的人生。他開始成為一名武術指導,進而成為好萊塢巨星史提夫·麥昆的私人武術教練,同時兼任華裔美國演員,但往往在每次試鏡後總是被白人演員取代。也因為再度回到香港後成為眾所皆知的武術大師,開啟他傳奇的演藝生涯,但最後卻在拍攝《死亡遊戲》期間猝死於情婦家中,享年32歲,至今死因仍是一團謎。作者打破以為人們以為對於李小龍所認知的神話,他認為李小龍是一位癡迷於武術且極具野心的演員,以最真實陳述,揭露李小龍不完美卻又充滿戲劇化的人生。'At last, Bruce Lee has the powerful biography he deserves... It will thrill Lee's fans and fascinate the unfamiliar' - Jonathan Eig, author of Ali: A Life and Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig'Meticulously researched' - Jimmy McDonough, author of Shakey: Neil Young's Biography and Soul Survivor: A Biography of Al Green'You won't find a better match for a biographer with his subject than Matthew Polly and Bruce Lee... A definitive biography, told with passion and punch' - Brian Jay Jones, author George Lucas: A Life and Jim Henson: The Biography.More than forty years after Bruce Lee's sudden death at age 32, journalist and author Matthew Polly has written the definitive account of Lee's life. It's also one of the only accounts; incredibly, there has never been an authoritative biography of Lee. Following a decade of research that included conducting more than one hundred interviews with Lee's family, friends, business associates and even the mistress in whose bed Lee died, Polly has constructed a complex, humane portrait of the icon.There are his early years as a child star in Hong Kong cinema; his actor father's struggles with opium addiction and how that turned Bruce into a troublemaking teenager who was kicked out of high school and eventually sent to America to shape up; his beginnings as a martial arts teacher, eventually becoming personal instructor to movie stars like Steve McQueen; his struggles as an Asian-American actor in Hollywood and frustration seeing role after role he auditioned for go to a white actors in eye makeup; his eventual triumph as a leading man; his challenges juggling a sky-rocketing career with his duties as a father and husband; and his shocking end that to this day is still shrouded in mystery.Polly breaks down the myth of Bruce Lee and argues that, contrary to popular belief, he was an ambitious actor who was obsessed with martial arts-not a great kung-fu master who just so happened to make a couple of movies. The book offers an honest look at an impressive yet flawed man whose personal story was even more entertaining and inspiring than any fictional role he played on-screen.Praise for Matthew Polly'Hypnotic...Tapped Out manages to humanize a sport once demonized as "human cockfighting " by deconstructing the stereotype of the martial-arts tough guy.' - The New York Times'Tapped Out is a knockout for MMA fans, who will laugh at the intimate portraits Polly sketches of some of the sport's most famous personalities. But it also works for those not familiar with the sport...You won't be disappointed.' -'A delight to read.' -'Polly's self-deprecation in the painful learning process stands out as much as the witty prose. His delivery is Plimpton-esque.' -'Smoothly written . . . Polly has a good eye for characters.' - Publishers Weekly"


書名 / Bruce Lee
作者 / Matthew Polly
簡介 / Bruce Lee:最熟悉的傳奇武術大師,最謎樣的人生結局打破李小龍神話,最真實的李小龍傳記「終於,李小龍擁有一本充滿力量的自傳…足以震撼所有李小龍迷,也讓人們重新認識
ISBN13 / 9781471175701
ISBN10 / 1471175707
EAN / 9781471175701
誠品26碼 / 2681573915007
頁數 / 672
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無
