The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity | 誠品線上


作者 林達.葛瑞騰/ 安德魯.史考特
商品描述 The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity:如何才能讓長壽成為禮物而非詛咒,扭轉下流老人的窘境?不管你18歲、45歲、70歲,皆能有感體會、受用無窮


內容簡介 如何才能讓長壽成為禮物而非詛咒,扭轉下流老人的窘境? 不管你18歲、45歲、70歲,皆能有感體會、受用無窮!全球五十大企業思想家─林達.葛瑞騰最新力作上市迅速攻占英、美、日亞馬遜排行榜日本首月狂賣11萬冊,台灣誠品、博客來選書推薦百年壽命與延長工時即將成為現實,我們對生命階段的認知,必須打破、重來。當人人活到100歲時:•現在70歲的你:害怕健康不佳,增加子女負擔;擔心年金不足,東省西省無法好好享受退休生活。•現在45歲的你:就業市場波動大,怕被取代;怕65歲退休錢不夠花;孩子成年卻無法經濟獨立。•現在18歲的你:錢永遠存不夠,可能一輩子無法退休;國家與企業政策、福利,你總看得卻吃不到。百歲人生面臨的困境:財務上,如果活到100歲,為了賺更多的退休年金,我們不能在65歲退休。身心上,超過60年的工作生涯,我們能否維持身心平衡?情感上,長時間的工作,我們的生活重心,如家庭和朋友,該怎麼維繫?教育上,60年前學得知識與技術,可以支撐到60年後嗎?政策方面,企業與政府面如何因應人力資源結構變化,以及年金問題?全體人民的心聲,林達‧葛瑞騰聽到了!對長壽的恐懼,不只你,全球人類都在關心。作者依據長壽的發展趨勢,設計出能治標治本,解決長壽恐懼的生活模式――「多重階段式人生」,讓長壽不再是詛咒,而是人人共享的恩賜。本書將教你:● 提高你的身心健康最有效的方法是什麼?● 如何充分利用你的無形資產,建立一個更有生產力的長壽生活?● 如何學習與轉型期共舞,嘗試新的生活、工作和學習方式?實行多重階段式人生的重點課題:【情感→尋找重要伴侶】長壽人生必經各種轉型,伴侶互相支持、奉獻成為支持下去的動力,因此理想伴侶變得更有價值,任何糟糕與錯誤的選擇,都得付出高昂代價。【健康→能否健康老去?】人類除了活更久,健康活著的時間也會增長,「疾病壓縮」讓人們老化時間延後,因此未來探討健康重點,將放在生前生活品質與降低罹病率的發生。【身分→我是誰?】「千禧Y世代」普遍遭受批評,說他們缺乏責任感,但從長壽觀點來看,千禧Y世代是百歲人生的實驗組,他們只是缺乏制式的角色模範,因此得花多點時間探索自我,身分認同後才能打造未來可能的路。【工作→探索、獨立生產、組合型工作】長壽人生將歷經更多的就業轉型,有可能以打工型態探索未來;或為了培養專業能力,投入創業生產;或是為了平衡身心健康,某些階段從事不同活動,打造人生組合。【人際關係→累積無形資產】在未來,名聲、知識得藉由打造穩固的人際關係才能壯大,我們得與他人合作,結合各方洞見,讓「知識庫存」以極具生產力的方式被利用。【財富→累積有形資產】財富創造各種生活可能性,因此強化自我的「能力」與「主動性」,以及學習正確的財務觀念與操作實務,是長壽重要任務。 百歲人生的新觀點:● 壽命更長必須更健康。● 探索者、獨立生產者、組合式工作者的出現。● 質疑直接從教育跳到全職工作的規範。● 成為一個工作創造者而不是求職者。● 使用核心技能在各種工作中創造不同投資組合的職業。● 就業市場上,專業知識、洞察力和以高度協作的工作方式更有價值。● 技能、知識、探索、名聲、健康、友誼、人際網絡更重要。● 中端工作者的勞動市場,未來幾十年將被機器取代。● 自己的身分認同比以前更重要。● 高品質的夥伴關係必須更重視性別角色的轉變。● 每十年要調整人生與財務規畫,改變自己的角色身分。本書介出自商周出版《100歲的人生戰略》What will your 100-year life look like?Does the thought of working for 60 or 70 years fill you with dread? Or can you see the potential for a more stimulating future as a result of having so much extra time?Many of us have been raised on the traditional notion of a three-stage approach to our working lives: education, followed by work and then retirement. But this well-established pathway is already beginning to collapse - life expectancy is rising, final-salary pensions are vanishing, and increasing numbers of people are juggling multiple careers. Whether you are 18, 45 or 60, you will need to do things very differently from previous generations and learn to structure your life in completely new ways.The 100-Year Life is here to help.Drawing on the unique pairing of their experience in psychology and economics, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott offer a broad-ranging analysis as well as a raft of solutions, showing how to rethink your finances, your education, your career and your relationships and create a fulfilling 100-year life.● How can you fashion a career and life path that defines you and your values and creates a shifting balance between work and leisure?● What are the most effective ways of boosting your physical and mental health over a longer and more dynamic lifespan?● How can you make the most of your intangible assets - such as family and friends - as you build a productive, longer life?● In a multiple-stage life how can you learn to make the transitions that will be so crucial and experiment with new ways of living, working and learning?Shortlisted for the FT McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes what to expect and considers the choices and options that you will face. It is also fundamentally a call to action for individuals, politicians, firms and governments and offers the clearest demonstration that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one.


作者介紹 Lynda GrattonLynda Gratton is Professor of Management Practice at the London Business School where she teaches an elective on the Future of Work and directs an executive program on Human Resource Strategy. Lynda is a fellow of the World Economic Forum, is ranked by Business Thinkers in the top 15 in the world, and was named the best teacher at London Business School in 2015.Andrew ScottAndrew Scott is Professor of Economics at London Business School, a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford University and the Centre for Economic Policy Research having previously taught at Harvard and London School of Economics. He has served as an advisor on macroeconomics to a range of governments and central banks and was Non-Executive Director on the UK's Financial Services Authority.


書名 / The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity
作者 / 林達.葛瑞騰 安德魯.史考特
簡介 / The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity:如何才能讓長壽成為禮物而非詛咒,扭轉下流老人的窘境?不管你18歲、45歲、70歲,皆能有感體會、受用無窮
ISBN13 / 9781472947321
ISBN10 / 1472947320
EAN / 9781472947321
誠品26碼 / 2681554759002
頁數 / 424
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.4X20X3CM
級別 / N:無