內容簡介 Touchstone系列 Touchstone共分4個級數,是首部根據全球最大的語料庫「Cambridge International Corpus」(劍橋國際語料庫)中所收錄的真實口說和寫作資料庫所編撰。本書例句皆為北美人士的真實生活用語,並融入實用的會話技巧,透過大量的聽、講訓練,使學生說的一口如母語人士般道地英語。書後附有Audio /CD-Rom 二合一光碟,學生可以自行錄音,進行發音比對;還可以跟母語人士進行會話角色扮演。 「Cambridge International Corpus」(劍橋國際語料庫)收集英語系國家母語人士每天的對話及書寫的語言,彙整大量來自廣播電視、報章雜誌等真實使用過的文句,透過電腦語言對比分析的技術,讓人們了解現今母語人士如何使用英語、頻率最高的說法以及最新的語言為何,幫助人們發現語言使用的改變,讓母語非英語者能透過這個最真實的語言資料庫,使得英語學習更有效率。 Easy and enjoyable to teach, Touchstone is packed with new and exciting ideas, offering a fresh approach to the teaching and learning of English. Student's Book 4 is the fourth level of the innovative Touchstone series. It is designed for intermediate students and expands on the concepts established in Student's Book 3. Drawing on research into the Cambridge International Corpus, Student's Book 4 presents the vocabulary, grammar, and functions students encounter most often in real life. It also develops the conversation strategies that students need for effective conversations, such as how to summarize things people say and how to sound more assertive. The book features an attractive, contemporary design, and beautiful color photos and illustrations. It makes learning fun by maximizing the time students spend on interactive, personalized activities on high-interest topics. Students using Touchstone will soon feel confident in their abilities to express themselves clearly and effectively. A free self-study Audio CD CD-ROM at the back of the book gives students further practice in listening, speaking, and vocabulary.