Exploring Grammar in Writing | 誠品線上

Exploring Grammar in Writing

作者 Hughes, Rebecca
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 Exploring Grammar in Writing:Thisbookcontainsvariedpracticeactivitiesandawiderangeofformalandinformaltext-typesforupper-intermediatetoadvancedstudents.Explorin


內容簡介 This book contains varied practice activities and a wide range of formal and informal text-types for upper-intermediate to advanced students. Exploring Grammar in Writing develops students' understanding of how genre, context and purpose affect grammatical choices in writing. The book provides 20 units of clear explanations, lively grammar practice exercises and writing tasks. Each unit focuses on a different area of writing and its typical language features. Using real written examples from the Cambridge International Corpus, Exploring Grammar in Writing helps learners improve both their grammatical awareness and their writing skills. This edition, with answers, is ideal for self-study. This book contains varied practice activities and a wide range of formal and informal text-types for upper-intermediate to advanced students.


各界推薦 覺得自己的寫作常犯了文法上的錯誤嗎?覺得自己無法順暢的寫出完整的文章嗎?對於正準備TOEFL iBT、IELTS等考試的讀者而言,文法與寫作是需要一起加強,這本由劍橋出版社出版的《Exploring Grammar in Writing》是最好的輔助工具。 書中分為二十個單元,每個單元根據不同的內容加強考生的文法習慣,不僅分析了多樣的文章提供不同考試的考生,也針對了不同的實境與主題分析,藉由分析文章的優劣,讓讀者可以知道文章的好壞與需注意的相關文法,書中也提供了考生引導作文學習的機會,生活化的內容與條例式的說明,讓讀者可以迅速且深入瞭解這些文法內容,當然書中附上的練習對於增進文法寫作功力也是大有幫助。


書名 / Exploring Grammar in Writing
作者 / Hughes, Rebecca
簡介 / Exploring Grammar in Writing:Thisbookcontainsvariedpracticeactivitiesandawiderangeofformalandinformaltext-typesforupper-intermediatetoadvancedstudents.Explorin
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9780521669948
ISBN10 / 0521669944
EAN / 9780521669948
誠品26碼 / 2680169770006
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無