Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization? | 誠品線上

組織再進化: 優化公司體制和員工效率的雙贏提案

作者 亞倫.迪格南
商品描述 Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?:「年度最佳商業管理書,清晰、充滿力量且緊湊,所有職場人口袋必備。」─行銷大師賽斯‧高汀「令人耳目一


內容簡介 「年度最佳商業管理書,清晰、充滿力量且緊湊,所有職場人口袋必備。」─行銷大師賽斯‧高汀「令人耳目一新的作品,現在就開始閱讀吧!確保你的老闆也需要一本。」─紐約暢銷書《給予:華頓商學院最啟發人心的一堂課》《擁抱B選項》作者亞當‧格蘭特當新創公司快速擴張及全球企業組織發展受阻,這些企業主第一個想到的人就是亞倫‧迪格南。在這本作品中他將揭露如何以成熟的方式消除企業中的繁文縟節、解散官僚文化,為自己開創最棒的職場生活。不論是來自華爾街或矽谷,這些職場人士都遇過相同的挫折:缺乏信任、決策時遇到瓶頸、組織和團隊互不交流、過多的郵件和會議、令人厭煩的預算編列及短淺的思考等。還有希望能找到解決方法嗎?無數的商業大師看似有解決方案,卻沒有為我們的職場帶來任何改善。那是因為我們沒有意識到組織不是可預期和可控制的機器,而是更複雜的人類系統,充滿等待被釋放的潛能。作者認為表面上的改變無法修補團隊、部門和組織。這些年來他幫助客戶改造運作制度─重新塑造其文化的基本原則和實踐方式,取得前所未有的成功。想像一家銀行捨棄傳統的預算編列方式,結果卻勝過數十年來的競爭對手;一家應用製造商將組織分成2千個自治團隊,不僅未造成混亂反而達到快速成長;一家提供醫療保健的公司總部僅有50位員工,卻在該領域協助了1萬4千人,甚至被稱為「年度最佳職場環境」;更有一個團隊因為每月取消一場會議,因而每年節省3百萬美元的預算。以上這些故事看似難以置信,但從中你將徹底學到如何在組織中更加聰明、健康,甚至更有效率。不是透過上頭的強制規定,而是透過自主、信任和透明化來達成。無論你領導的是10人或千人團隊,改善團隊運作制度就是你能做的最強大的一件事,最重要的是,你準備好了嗎?Are you ready to eliminate red tape, kill bureaucracy, and do the best work of your life?Nearly every client Aaron Dignan meets, from Wall Street to Silicon Valley, points to the same frustrations: lack of trust, bottlenecks in decision making, siloed functions and teams, meeting and email overload, tiresome budgeting, short-term thinking, and more.Is there any hope for a solution? Haven't countless business gurus promised the answer, yet changed almost nothing about the way we work?That's because we fail to recognize that organizations aren't machines to be predicted and controlled. They're complex human systems full of potential waiting to be released.Dignan says you can't fix a team, department, or organization by tinkering around the edges. Over the years, he has helped his clients completely reinvent their operating systems--the fundamental principles and practices that shape their culture--with extraordinary success. And they're not alone.Imagine a bank that abandoned traditional budgeting, only to outperform its competition for decades. An appliance manufacturer that divided itself into 2,000 autonomous teams, resulting not in chaos but rapid growth. A healthcare provider with a headquarters of just 50 people supporting over 14,000 in the field--named "best place to work " year after year. And even a team that saved $3 million per year by cancelling one monthly meeting.Their stories may sound improbable, but in Brave New Work you'll learn exactly how they and other organizations are inventing a smarter, healthier, and more effective way to work. Not through top-down mandates, but through a groundswell of autonomy, trust, and transparency.Whether you lead a team of ten or ten thousand, improving your operating system is the single most powerful thing you can do. The only question is, are you ready?"


書名 / Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?
作者 / 亞倫.迪格南
簡介 / Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?:「年度最佳商業管理書,清晰、充滿力量且緊湊,所有職場人口袋必備。」─行銷大師賽斯‧高汀「令人耳目一
ISBN13 / 9780525542834
ISBN10 / 0525542833
EAN / 9780525542834
誠品26碼 / 2681698431000
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2CM
級別 / N:無
