Introduction to Computing & Programming in Java | 誠品線上

Introduction to Computing & Programming in Java

作者 Guzdial, Mark
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Introduction to Computing & Programming in Java:MarkGuzdialandBarbEricsonhaveamosteffectivemethodforteachingcomputingandJavaprogramminginacontextthatreadersfin


內容簡介 Mark Guzdial and Barb Ericson have a most effective method for teaching computing and Java programming in a context that readers find interesting: manipulating digital media. Readers get started right away by learning how to write programs that create interesting effects with sounds, pictures, web pages, and video. The authors use these multimedia applications to teach critical programming skills and principles like how to design and use algorithms, and practical software engineering methods–all in the context of learning how to program in Java. Mark and Barb also demonstrate how to communicate compatibly through networks and do concurrent programming. The book also includes optional coverage of rudimentary data structures and databases using Java and comes with a CD-ROM containing all the code files referenced in the text and required for media manipulation. Allows readers to use their own media, such as personal sound or picture files. Demonstrates how to manipulate media in useful ways, from reducing red eye and splicing sounds to generating digital video special effects. The book also includes optional coverage of rudimentary data structures and databases using Java and comes with a CD-ROM containing all the code files referenced in the text and required for media manipulation. For beginners interested in learning more about basic multimedia computing and programming.


作者介紹 Barbara Ericson is a research scientist and the Director of Computing Outreach for the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. She has been working on improving introductory computing education for over 5 years. She enjoys the diversity of the types of problems she has worked on over the years in computing including computer graphics, artificial intelligence, medicine, and object-oriented programming. � Mark Guzdial is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. �An award-winning teacher and active researcher in computing education, he holds a joint Ph.D. In Education and Computer Science from the University of Michigan. Dr. Guzdial directs Project “Georgia Computes!” which is an NSF funded alliance to improve computing education from pre-teen years to undergraduates. �He is a member of the ACM Education Board and is a frequent contributor to the ACM SIGCSE (Computer Science Education) Symposium. � � Barbara Ericson and Mark Guzdial are recipients of the 2010 Karl V. Karlstom Outstanding Educator Award for their contributions to broadening participation in computing. They created the Media Computation (MediaComp) approach, which motivates students to write programs that manipulate and create digital media, such as pictures, sounds, and videos.�Now in use in nearly 200 schools around the world, this contextualized approach to introductory Computer Science attracts students not motivated by classical algorithmic problems addressed in traditional computer science education.�They also lead “Georgia Computes!” an NSF-funded statewide alliance to increase the number and diversity of students in computing education across all of Georgia.� Barbara Ericson directs the Institute for Computing Education at Georgia Tech. Mark Guzdial is director of the Contextualized Support for Learning at Georgia Tech.� Together they have written three textbooks using the MediaComp approach to engage and inspire student learning in computing.�The Karlstrom Award recognizes educators who advanced new teaching methodologies; effected new curriculum development in Computer Science and Engineering; or contributed to ACM’s educational mission.


書名 / Introduction to Computing & Programming in Java
作者 / Guzdial, Mark
簡介 / Introduction to Computing & Programming in Java:MarkGuzdialandBarbEricsonhaveamosteffectivemethodforteachingcomputingandJavaprogramminginacontextthatreadersfin
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780131496989
ISBN10 / 0131496980
EAN / 9780131496989
誠品26碼 / 2680622056005
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
