Perennial Seller: Making and Marketing Work That Lasts | 誠品線上

長銷! 內容、定位、行銷、平台, 從個人創作到企業經營都要懂的打造經典之道

作者 萊恩.霍利得
商品描述 Perennial Seller: Making and Marketing Work That Lasts:作者訪問世界上最傑出的創意人士,佐以對於各領域經典之作的深入研究與分析,您將會學到一套受用的創新原則,訣


內容簡介 如何塑造與行銷經典之作!在一切都如此短暫、曇花一現的市場中,如何創造能持續銷售長達多年的商品?暢銷作《成長駭客行銷:引爆集客瘋潮的新實戰力》作者、行銷策略專家萊恩.霍利得新作!在好萊塢,如果電影在上映的第一個週末票房不佳,就會被打入冷宮;在矽谷,新創公司若在創業初期沒有爆紅或大量獲利,就會被視為失敗品;在出版業,作者花費多年撰寫的著作,在出版後的三個月內若銷售不見起色,就會沉入茫茫書海中……這些殘酷而短視的態度,將這個世界塑造成製造曇花一現與爆紅商品的市場。然而,許多經典、偉大作品與老牌公司,卻以不一樣的標準看待商品:他們所追求的是讓商品永垂不朽。霍利得將這些商品稱之為「持久暢銷品」,他們存在於創意產業的所有領域,就像黃金和土地般,其價值隨著時間不斷提升,贏過所有競爭者。他們的出現並不是運氣,而是打從一開始就以持久為目標打造。霍利得強調,創作只是開始,行銷同等重要,而重點在於打造與觀眾接觸的「平台」,不管是在小酒吧裡表演,或是作家新書巡迴座談活動皆然。作者訪問世界上最傑出的創意人士,佐以對於各領域經典之作的深入研究與分析,您將會學到一套受用的創新原則,訣竅包括對於所做的事情要有清楚理解、做長遠思考、注意細節、對批評抱持開放心胸、嘗試新點子……等等。不管您有書想出版、想創業、創作了歌曲或劇本,本書將會透露讓您的商品成為「持久暢銷品」的秘訣!Classic. Evergreen. Cult. Backlist. We can all identify with products that seem to last forever and just keep selling. But how can we create things that can and should last, especially in an environment where short-term gain and flash-in-the-pan success are so often the benchmark, where Hollywood movies are written off after a weekend or Silicon Valley start-ups are considered to have failed if they don't go viral?Enter Ryan Holiday and his concept of the Perennial Seller, products that exist in every creative industry, timeless, dependable resources and unsung money-makers, increasing in value over time and outlasting and outstretching the competition. Holiday shows us that creating a classic doesn't have to be a fluke or just a matter of luck. In Perennial Seller he takes us back to the first principles of the models and thinking that underpin the creation of something built to last. Featuring interviews with some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs and creatives and grounded in a deep study of the classics from every genre, the book shares a mindset and approach we can all adopt to make and market a classic work. Whether you have a book or a business, a song or the next great screenplay, Holiday reveals the recipe for perennial success.


書名 / Perennial Seller: Making and Marketing Work That Lasts
作者 / 萊恩.霍利得
簡介 / Perennial Seller: Making and Marketing Work That Lasts:作者訪問世界上最傑出的創意人士,佐以對於各領域經典之作的深入研究與分析,您將會學到一套受用的創新原則,訣
ISBN13 / 9781781257661
ISBN10 / 1781257663
EAN / 9781781257661
誠品26碼 / 2681440066009
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無
