Interior Chinatown | 誠品線上

Interior Chinatown

作者 Charles Yu
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Interior Chinatown:【2020美國國家圖書得主】游朝凱《內景唐人街》人人都有個被迫成為的自己:一部關於種族,流行文化,移民,同化和格格不入的現代佳作。WillisWudoesn


內容簡介 【2020美國國家圖書得主】人人都有個被迫成為的自己:一部關於種族,流行文化,移民,同化和格格不入的現代佳作「我的父母都來自台灣,即便我現在也已步入中年、成為人父,和老婆一起養育孩子,我仍時不時會有一種處在邊緣的感覺;不是位於事情的中心,而是有種看著中心的感覺,在一旁看著故事發展,想像自己是不是會成為故事的一部分。」《紐約時報》年度十大小說家、人氣影集《西方極樂園》編劇娓娓道出華人的真實心聲,是小說,是現實人生上演的戲碼;是一段對華人社群追求美國夢大膽的自嘲,也是一記對美國主流社會最辛辣的回馬槍。●獲獎紀錄:★2020年美國國家書卷獎(National Book Awards)【最佳小說】★國家書卷獎評語:「歡鬧卻又令人心碎,《內景唐人街》是一部明亮、大膽、直截了當的作品。」★《時代》、《華盛頓郵報》、《柯克斯評論》、《紐約公共圖書館》2020年度選書★入圍:2021年卡內基小說優秀獎(Andrew Carnegie Medals)、2020年美第契文學獎(Prix Médicis)【內景】:Interior,電影上指攝影棚內的搭景,戲劇上指室內舞臺的布景。相較於外景的專業術語。【唐人街】:Chinatown,電影中若需要異國風情的場景……就以唐人街呈現,也可代表世界各地的華埠。即便到現在,唐人街仍被用來泛指地點不明的亞洲市街。「問題不在於唐人街裡的亞裔男去哪裡了。問題是——為什麼亞裔男非死不可?為什麼亞裔男不能是美國人?」●假設,我們在看一齣關於唐人街的電視劇:《內景唐人街》創作手法大膽創新,以第二人稱視角、劇本形式書寫以華裔為主體的故事。游朝凱融合意識流、內心戲、諷喻等元素,戲裡戲外虛虛實實,字裡行間幽默詼諧、辛辣諷刺,愈讀愈感受到作者深刻的創作意圖:「為什麼亞裔在美國只能有單一的樣貌?」游朝凱融合在好萊塢擔任編劇的手法,讓故事進展一跳再跳,從華人的功夫英雄夢出發、白人黑人警匪劇,小至臨演冒險脫稿笑場、無厘頭法庭攻防戰,大至二二八事件、移民血淚史、美國史上排華法令……游朝凱將自身與父母輩的經驗巧妙編織,將新舊移民與後代真實境遇精采呈現。這樣天馬行空的創意,受到美國國家書卷獎肯定其「明亮、大膽、直截了當」,也讓游朝凱成為第一個榮獲美國國家書卷獎的台裔作家。游朝凱雖然以本書直戳美國主流社會對於亞洲人的刻板印象,但他仍藉這部作品自嘲:亞洲人只活在自己的小圈圈裡,把自己活在某個框架中。不管是書裡,還是真實人生,游朝凱期許,總有一天這個世界不是因為他是亞洲人而看到他,而是因為他才看到他。●關於故事:「你從小夢想成為功夫明星,苦練了好多年,希望總有一天美夢成真……」威利斯‧吳不覺得自己是人生裡的主角,自認充其量是個平凡亞裔男。有時候,他被叫去演扮醜的東方路人甲或不肖子,其實只是個血肉道具而已。然而,日復一日,他離開唐人街的家,進入金宮餐館片場,經年累月配合警匪劇《黑與白》的拍攝。在金宮,他同樣是個小角色,但他胸懷功夫大志。憑他的外形,能爭取到的角色中,最受敬重的就是功夫明星……吧?誤打誤撞中,威利斯踏進聚光燈下,落入一個前所未知的大世界,不僅發現不為外人知的華埠秘辛,也挖掘出被埋沒的史實。《內景唐人街》創意無窮盡,至為深刻,探討流行文化、移民議題、種族同化,是游朝凱至今最感人、最大膽、也最精湛的一部長篇小說。本中文書介出自《內景唐人街》新經典圖文傳播有限公司出版2020 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "One of the funniest books of the year. . . . A delicious, ambitious Hollywood satire. " —The Washington PostFrom the infinitely inventive author of How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, a deeply personal novel about race, pop culture, immigration, assimilation, and escaping the roles we are forced to play.Willis Wu doesn’t perceive himself as the protagonist in his own life: he’s merely Generic Asian Man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making a Weird Face or even Disgraced Son, but always he is relegated to a prop. Yet every day, he leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He’s a bit player here, too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy—the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. Or is it?After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he’s ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but the buried legacy of his own family. Infinitely inventive and deeply personal, exploring the themes of pop culture, assimilation, and immigration—Interior Chinatown is Charles Yu’s most moving, daring, and masterful novel yet. "Fresh and beautiful. . . . Interior Chinatown represents yet another stellar destination in the journey of a sui generis author of seemingly limitless skill and ambition.” —The New York Times Book Review"


作者介紹 CHARLES YU is the author of four books, including the novel How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, which was a New York Times Notable Book and named one of the best books of the year by Time magazine. He received the National Book Foundation’s 5 Under 35 Award, and was nominated for two WGA awards for his work on the HBO series, Westworld. He has also written for upcoming shows on AMC and HBO. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in a number of publications including The New Yorker, The New York Times, Slate and Wired. His latest book, INTERIOR CHINATOWN, will be published by Pantheon in January 2020.


書名 / Interior Chinatown
作者 / Charles Yu
簡介 / Interior Chinatown:【2020美國國家圖書得主】游朝凱《內景唐人街》人人都有個被迫成為的自己:一部關於種族,流行文化,移民,同化和格格不入的現代佳作。WillisWudoesn
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780307948472
ISBN10 / 0307948471
EAN / 9780307948472
誠品26碼 / 2681903643006
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2X1CM
級別 / N:無