Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Shrabani Basu
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in Ed.):由金獎影后茱蒂.丹契主演,《走音天后》、《黛妃與女皇》導演史蒂芬.佛瑞爾斯執導的最新電影《女王與知己》電影原著,68歲的女王


內容簡介 由金獎影后茱蒂.丹契主演,《走音天后》、《黛妃與女皇》導演史蒂芬.佛瑞爾斯執導的最新電影《女王與知己》電影原著,68歲的女王與24歲的印度青年成為忘年之交的深刻故事。 阿布杜勒來自昔日為蒙兀兒帝國首都的阿格拉,高大、英俊,年方24,抵達英國的目的是擔任維多利亞即位50周年(1887年)紀念宴會上的女王侍者。不到一年的時間,他已成為英國宮廷的權力人物兼女王的老師,也是維多利亞學習烏爾都語和關於印度事務的顧問,他是一個真正了解女王內心的朋友。維多利亞在1888年寫道:「我非常喜歡他,他美好、溫柔且善解人意…,是我真正的慰藉。」阿布杜勒服侍維多利亞,成為女王漫長統治時期最具醜聞爭議的十年。夫婿亞伯特親王與僕人布朗在1861與1883年的離世,給女王極大的打擊。1887年與阿布杜勒的相遇,使得女王很快地在兩人緊密且受爭議關係中得到喜樂,不論到那裡,都有阿布杜勒陪伴的身影,他為女王烹煮咖哩,培養她對印度的理解,雖然身兼印度女王,她卻從來沒有到過那裡。無視於那個時代與階級的期望還有社會的壓力,兩人對彼此的忠誠一直持續到1901年女王逝世。本書內容來自封存百年、從未面世的文件,是19世紀末期精彩的英國宮廷史,生動描繪了一個年輕的印度穆斯林,如何在大英帝國的核心扮演一個重要的角色。Soon to be a Major Motion Picture starring Dame Judi Dench from director Stephen Frears, releasing September 22, 2017.Tall and handsome Abdul was just twenty-four years old when he arrived in England from Agra to wait at tables for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. Within a year, Abdul had grown to become a powerful figure at court, the Queen's teacher, or Munshi, her counsel on Urdu and Indian affairs, and a friend close to the Queen's heart. "I am so very fond of him.," Queen Victoria would write in 1888, "He is so good and gentle and understanding....a real comfort to me." This marked the beginning of the most scandalous decade in Queen Victoria's long reign. Devastated first by the death of Prince Albert in 1861 and then her personal servant John Brown in 1883, Queen Victoria quickly found joy in an intense and controversial relationship with her Munshi, who traveled everywhere with her, cooked her curries and cultivated her understanding of the Indian sub-continent—a region, as Empress of India, she was long intrigued by but could never visit. The royal household roiled with resentment, but their devotion grew in defiance of all expectation and the societal pressures of their time and class and lasted until the Queen's death on January 22, 1901. Drawn from never-before-seen first-hand documents that had been closely guarded secrets for a century, Shrabani Basu's Victoria & Abdul is a remarkable history of the last years of the 19th century in English court, an unforgettable view onto the passions of an aging Queen, and a fascinating portrayal of how a young Indian Muslim came to play a central role at the heart of the British Empire.


作者介紹 Shrabani Basu Shrabani Basu出生於加爾各答,成長時期曾經待過達卡、加德滿都與德里。1987年搬至倫敦,成為加爾各答報社Ananda Bazar Patrika與《電訊報》的新聞特派員。她是《咖哩:全國最愛菜餚的故事》與大受好評的傳記《間諜公主》的作者,目前住在倫敦。Shrabani Basu was born in Kolkata and grew up in Dhaka, Kathmandu and Delhi. She moved to London in 1987 and is a correspondent for the Kolkata-based newspapers Ananda Bazar Patrika and The Telegraph. She is also the author of Curry: The Story of the Nation's Favourite Dish and the critically acclaimed biography Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan. She lives in London.


書名 / Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Shrabani Basu
簡介 / Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in Ed.):由金獎影后茱蒂.丹契主演,《走音天后》、《黛妃與女皇》導演史蒂芬.佛瑞爾斯執導的最新電影《女王與知己》電影原著,68歲的女王
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780525434412
ISBN10 / 0525434410
EAN / 9780525434412
誠品26碼 / 2681485957003
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2CM
級別 / N:無
