How Will You Measure Your Life? | 誠品線上

你要如何衡量你的人生?: 哈佛商學院最重要的一堂課

作者 克雷頓.克里斯汀生/ 詹姆斯.歐沃斯/ 凱倫.狄倫
商品描述 How Will You Measure Your Life?:第一本將企業管理的研究成果套用在人生規劃上的書! 特別收錄克里斯汀生訪談,剖析「人生三問」精義 以破壞式創新理論聞名的克里斯汀生


內容簡介 第一本將企業管理的研究成果套用在人生規劃上的書! 特別收錄克里斯汀生訪談,剖析「人生三問」精義 以破壞式創新理論聞名的克里斯汀生,看到許多哈佛商學院的同學向命運一點一滴地妥協:接受不喜歡的工作、犧牲家庭生活,甚至做出有違倫理的決定。為什麼?他們原本才智過人、為人正派、目標遠大,他們的人生究竟哪裡出了差錯? 因此,克里斯汀生在學期最後安排了他認為最重要的一堂課,用企業理論討論三個問題: ◎ 如何才能樂在工作? ◎如何才能擁有圓滿的人生? ◎做選擇時,如何秉持誠正的原則? 「我真誠地希望本書能讓你勇於面對人生的驚濤駭浪,不要隨波逐流,以免漸漸遠離原則和理想,最後連自己都不認識自己。」--克里斯汀生 本書介出自遠見天下文化出版《你要如何衡量你的人生? 哈佛商學院最重要的一堂課》How do you lead a fulfilling life That profound question animates this book of inspiration and insight from world-class business strategist and bestselling author of The Innovators Dilemma, Clayton Christensen.After beating a heart attack, advanced-stage cancer and a stroke in three successive years, the world-renowned innovation expert and author of one of the best selling and most influential business books of all time The Innovators Dilemma Clayton M. Christensen delivered a short but powerful speech to the Harvard Business School graduating class. He presented a set of personal guidelines that have helped him find meaning and happiness in his life a challenge even the brightest and most motivated of students find daunting.Akin to The Last Lecture in its revelatory perspective following life-altering events, that speech subsequently became a hugely popular article in the Harvard Business Review and is now a groundbreaking book, putting forth a series of questions and models for success that have long been applied in the world of business, but also can be used to find cogent answers to pressing life questions: How can I be sure that Ill find satisfaction in my career How can I be sure that my relationships with my spouse, my family and my close friends become enduring sources of happiness How can I avoid compromising my integrity (and stay out of jail)How Will You Measure Your Life is a highly original, surprising book from a singular business figure. Its a book sure to inspire and educate readers companies and individuals, students of business, mid-career professionals, and even parents the world over.


書名 / How Will You Measure Your Life?
作者 / 克雷頓.克里斯汀生 詹姆斯.歐沃斯 凱倫.狄倫
簡介 / How Will You Measure Your Life?:第一本將企業管理的研究成果套用在人生規劃上的書! 特別收錄克里斯汀生訪談,剖析「人生三問」精義 以破壞式創新理論聞名的克里斯汀生
ISBN13 / 9780008316426
ISBN10 / 0008316422
EAN / 9780008316426
誠品26碼 / 2681751914006
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2CM
級別 / N:無
