Shoes: Accessories | 誠品線上

Shoes: Accessories

作者 Lucy Johnston/ Linda Wooley
商品描述 Shoes: Accessories:從英國V&AMuseum館藏的18~20世紀各品牌包包與鞋款,回溯近兩百年的世界時尚風潮演變。來自英國工藝博物館V&A珍貴且豪奢的館藏,綜覽了自中古世紀至今


內容簡介 從英國V&A Museum館藏的18~20世紀各品牌包包與鞋款,回溯近兩百年的世界時尚風潮演變。來自英國工藝博物館V&A珍貴且豪奢的館藏,綜覽了自中古世紀至今的鞋款,是權威且吸引人的鞋款圖錄。鞋子是想像力的再現,傳達出穿鞋者的慾望野心以及所看重的事物。亨利八世統治時期,誇張的鞋型與寬闊的腳趾頭反映出穿鞋者當時在宮廷社交上的侵略感,而維多利亞女王版畫上顯示了細得不能再細的拖鞋,只是為了追求19世紀精緻優雅的理想,當代的鞋款風格更不斷地挑戰了我們對美與現狀既有的概念。本書除了對鞋子做了通盤的導論,每一章節都個別說明每個時代的鞋款特色,追溯了自中古時期至今的鞋史。書中呈現的鞋與靴屬於當時不知名與知名的男男女女,從老舊的、為了好運而被藏起來的”煙囪鞋”到文藝復興優雅的鞋款;從伊莉莎白時期的拖鞋到史上第一雙高跟鞋,本書都沒有錯過。書後附加詳細的詞彙表,書目與索引,是研究與設計鞋款的相關人士,必須珍藏的精美圖錄。An engaging and authoritative overview of the history of footwear from the Middle Ages to today, illustrated with rare and luxurious examples from the V&A’s collectionShoes have always captured the imagination, and communicated the priorities and ambitions of the wearer. In the reign of Henry VIII, exaggerated shapes and wide toes were footwear’s reflection of the aggressive social climate of court, while engravings of Queen Victoria show impossibly narrow slippers, worn in pursuit of nineteenth-century ideals of daintiness. Contemporary shoe styles continue to challenge our inherited notions of beauty and status.After a general introduction, illustrated chronological chapters retrace the history of footwear from the Middle Ages to today, featuring shoes and boots that once belonged to both anonymous and famous men and women, from battered old “chimney shoes” hidden away for good luck to the elegant styles of the Renaissance, from Elizabethan mules to the first stilettos. A detailed glossary, bibliography, and index conclude the book.90+ color illustrations


書名 / Shoes: Accessories
作者 / Lucy Johnston Linda Wooley
簡介 / Shoes: Accessories:從英國V&AMuseum館藏的18~20世紀各品牌包包與鞋款,回溯近兩百年的世界時尚風潮演變。來自英國工藝博物館V&A珍貴且豪奢的館藏,綜覽了自中古世紀至今
ISBN13 / 9780500519387
ISBN10 / 0500519382
EAN / 9780500519387
誠品26碼 / 2681430286004
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.7X15.7CM
級別 / N:無