Trumpet Sound Effects (+Audio Access) | 誠品線上

Trumpet Sound Effects (+Audio Access)

作者 Craig Pederson/ Ueli Dörig
出版社 瑪蒂雅股份有限公司
商品描述 Trumpet Sound Effects (+Audio Access):(BerkleeGuide).Adduniquetrumpetsoundstoyourpaletteofcolors.Thetrumpetiscapableofagreatrangeofsounds,fromhalf-valveandgrow


內容簡介 (Berklee Guide). Add unique trumpet sounds to your palette of colors. The trumpet is capable of a great range of sounds, from half-valve and growls effects to percussion sounds and mutes. This book shows you how to perform dozens of different inventive effects, with etudes that put them into musical contexts. The accompanying online recordings provide demonstrations of each sound effect and play-along tracks for the etudes. Online audio is accessed at mylibrary


書名 / Trumpet Sound Effects (+Audio Access)
作者 / Craig Pederson Ueli Dörig
簡介 / Trumpet Sound Effects (+Audio Access):(BerkleeGuide).Adduniquetrumpetsoundstoyourpaletteofcolors.Thetrumpetiscapableofagreatrangeofsounds,fromhalf-valveandgrow
出版社 / 瑪蒂雅股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9780876391570
ISBN10 / 0876391579
EAN / 9780876391570
誠品26碼 / 2681619115002
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.5X23CM
級別 / N:無