Lotta Jansdotter'S Simple Sewing
作者 | Jansdotter, Lotta |
商品描述 | Lotta Jansdotter'S Simple Sewing:InternationallycelebrateddesignerLottaJansdottercollects24ofhermostpopularsewingpatternsintooneirresistiblecollection.Ourinnov |
作者 | Jansdotter, Lotta |
商品描述 | Lotta Jansdotter'S Simple Sewing:InternationallycelebrateddesignerLottaJansdottercollects24ofhermostpopularsewingpatternsintooneirresistiblecollection.Ourinnov |
內容簡介 Internationally celebrated designer Lotta Jansdotter collects 24 of her most popular sewing patterns into one irresistible collection. Our innovative packaging makes for easy usereusable pattern sheets are neatly tucked into a folder inside this full-color, lay-flat spiral bound book. Lotta has included patterns for handy tote bags, smart aprons, chic bed linens, and much more. Each project is paired with step-by-step instructions, charming photographs, inspiring design ideas, and helpful, hand-drawn how-to illustrationseverything you need to make whimsical pieces for the home and beyond. Best of all, there's nothing complicated about the projects. Never has simplicity looked so sophisticated.
各界推薦 【97年1、2月好讀推薦】來自斯堪地那維亞半島的Lotta,融合自然樸素與北歐設計的簡潔,非科班出身的她創造了自己的世界。這本簡易縫紉書,從杯墊、餐巾、隔熱手套,各種用途的購物袋,窗簾、枕套,到雜誌架等⋯⋯二十四款用品,滿足食衣住行各類需求;友善的活頁裝訂,詳細的步驟說明,印染的素雅花色和細膩的手作風,讓生活漾著優雅的風情。當國內吹起一陣北歐設計風潮的同時,其實在鄰國的日本,代表北歐的風格設計已經落實在日本的家具家飾設計上,尤其在日本具有超人器的Lotta Jansdotter更是人氣指標。來自瑞典的Lotta Jansdotter,她訴求簡單、自然的自然風格,呈現在她設計的提帶、卡片與布料衣服上,她捨棄了繁複的設計與色彩,冀求自然與環保的概念設計想法,吸引了當今對於生活嚮往的消費族群。她的商品大受歡迎,在舊金山、東京都有她的工作室與書籍出版,甚至全球有超過百家商店販售Lotta Jansdotter的自製商品。這本《Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing》搜錄了Lotta眾多設計中最受歡迎的布料設計,當中也教授讀者如何簡單的搭配顏色、縫製身邊的小東西,書中所表現的創意與實用,讓喜歡DIY的讀者可以在本書中找到想法。除此之外,書中的創意也讓想要從事創意手製商品的讀者一個當今外國雜貨流行訊息的相關參考。
作者介紹 Scandinavian-born Lotta Jansdotter is a self-taught designer. She works from her studio in Brooklyn, New York, where she sells her products and designs online and to hundreds of stores worldwide.Meiko Arquillos is a photographer based in San Francisco who grew up in Tokyo.
書名 / | Lotta Jansdotter'S Simple Sewing |
作者 / | Jansdotter, Lotta |
簡介 / | Lotta Jansdotter'S Simple Sewing:InternationallycelebrateddesignerLottaJansdottercollects24ofhermostpopularsewingpatternsintooneirresistiblecollection.Ourinnov |
ISBN13 / | 9780811852579 |
ISBN10 / | 0811852571 |
EAN / | 9780811852579 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680282639006 |
頁數 / | 144 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | L:活頁裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
級別 / | N:無 |