One Afternoon | 誠品線上

One Afternoon

作者 Hsin-Yu Sun (Joyce)
出版社 Newmark Learning
商品描述 One Afternoon:Thisbrilliantlycraftedwordlessbooktellstwostoriessimultaneously.Onthetopaboyleaveshishometogoabouthisdailytasksandobligations.Onthebottom,hisdogw


內容簡介 單車上的城市小旅行您和孩子曾經用這種方式逛過台北嗎?前所未有的單車圖畫書體驗!「環保減碳!」--近幾年,這個愛地球的響亮口號在全世界的各個角落蔓延開來;不論都會或鄉村,許多大人領著小孩、呼朋引伴,騎著大大小小的單車,在大馬路、巷弄、河邊、公園、田野、山路……穿梭奔馳,讓風景安安靜靜的滑過身邊,盡情實踐「愛地球」,並享受「樂活」。This brilliantly crafted wordless book tells two stories simultaneously. On the top a boy leaves his home to go about his daily tasks and obligations. On the bottom, his dog waits at home—having his own set of adventures!【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|牠們用全部的生命愛你:讀完只想抱緊處理的狗狗繪本推薦! #海狗房東撰文|海狗房東・編輯|陳阿髮若你曾經有幸和狗一起生活,以下開放填空:「狗是____」,你會填入什麼詞呢?朋友?夥伴?家人?毛小孩? 有沒有可能是英雄?因為牠們用全部的生命愛你,將你從自棄的狀態中營救出來。或者是大智若愚的修行者?早已達到「活在當下」的境界。多半時候,可能就只是你的鐵粉吧,跟前跟後,望向你的眼神充滿愛意,這樣也就足夠了。 現實生活中有各種狗,繪本故事中也是,而且讀者還能看見更多面向,有些添加了一些想像,有些則是在情感面上細細打磨。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章"


作者介紹 Hsin-Yu Sun (Joyce) Hsin-Yu Sun was born in Taipei and received her M.F.A. from NTNU. She has published over twenty picture books in ten years. Her title One Day in Beijing won the 2015 Bologna Ragazzi Award. A Tour of Hong Kong is the sister book.


書名 / One Afternoon
作者 / Hsin-Yu Sun (Joyce)
簡介 / One Afternoon:Thisbrilliantlycraftedwordlessbooktellstwostoriessimultaneously.Onthetopaboyleaveshishometogoabouthisdailytasksandobligations.Onthebottom,hisdogw
出版社 / Newmark Learning
ISBN13 / 9781478870296
ISBN10 / 147887029X
EAN / 9781478870296
誠品26碼 / 2681951275006
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.1X19.3X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
