觸心畫語: 色彩繪說話, 帶你觸動內在 (中英對照 附120張觸心卡) | 誠品線上

觸心畫語: 色彩繪說話, 帶你觸動內在 (中英對照 附120張觸心卡)

作者 柯蕙蘭 (Angel Ke)
出版社 吳氏圖書股份有限公司
商品描述 觸心畫語: 色彩繪說話, 帶你觸動內在 (中英對照 附120張觸心卡):120張的原創粉彩畫作,包含具象與不具象的圖像,可做為投射卡及創意觸發之用。♥觸己之心TouchingMyHeart


內容簡介 120張的原創粉彩畫作,包含具象與不具象的圖像,可做為投射卡及創意觸發之用。♥觸己之心 Touching My Heart梳理內在/自我覺察/創作發想/啟動感知/潛意識投射♥觸群之心 Touching the Community of Hearts暖身互動/人際連結/故事接龍/創意應用/多元面向探索♥觸天地之心 Touching the Hearts of Heaven and Earth直覺粉彩創作/探索天賦色彩/擴展超覺知力/連結宇宙意識本書特色✔自我探索,投射心靈圖像可運用觸心圖卡搭配手冊中活動,帶你進行自我探索,並覺察個人狀態。✔團體互動,多元創意應用可搭配覺色卡等投射卡相互應用,如:破冰、活動暖身、故事接龍、自由書寫等。✔諮商輔導,探索療癒工具粉彩獨特的溫柔色彩能量,由使用者的身分及應用場域,留有廣闊空間,允許使用者隨興擴展延伸。


作者介紹 柯蕙蘭(Angel Ke)作者柯蕙蘭(Angel Ke)南華大學生死學系碩士畢業覺色卡/觸心卡作者天賦實踐者,致力分享直覺式粉彩期盼以粉彩為媒介,與眾人藝起創造,一起感動


產品目錄 ‧使用觸心卡的方法Ways to Use the Heart-Touched Card Deck觸己之心 Touching My Heart觸群之心 Touching the Community of Hearts觸天地之心 Touching the Hearts of Heaven and Earth當覺色遇見觸心 From Colours Awakening to Heart-Touched‧觸心畫語 Heart-Touching Quotes


書名 / 觸心畫語: 色彩繪說話, 帶你觸動內在 (中英對照 附120張觸心卡)
作者 / 柯蕙蘭 (Angel Ke)
簡介 / 觸心畫語: 色彩繪說話, 帶你觸動內在 (中英對照 附120張觸心卡):120張的原創粉彩畫作,包含具象與不具象的圖像,可做為投射卡及創意觸發之用。♥觸己之心TouchingMyHeart
出版社 / 吳氏圖書股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786269616114
ISBN10 / 6269616115
EAN / 9786269616114
誠品26碼 / 2682188638008
頁數 / 80
開數 / 32K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 17.8X13X3.5CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 300


自序 : 從覺色邁向觸心,這一路又走了兩年多,也從頻繁出國分享學習的狀態,轉變為安居台灣的藝情人生。

The journey of Colours Awakening to Heart-Touched took me two years. It has led me to travel to many countries to share and also to learn; and, recently, to settle down in my native land of Taiwan with a deeper appreciation of life ignited by Art.
My exploration of intuition with pastel art has birthed marvelous artistic works and creative course designs.
Often, people ask me:
* Did you plan the path of freelance teaching before you quit your safe, salaried job?
* How did you design the ingenious courses in inner-exploration with art?
Honestly, even though I am an “Earth” sign, my left-brain faculty of logic and reason was affected simply by experiencing pastel art. Like all novices, I noticed a tug of war between my Reason and Intuition. I doubted whether I should throw myself completely into the love of what I was doing. I carried many long-held fears and measured the divide between Dream and Practicality.
Fortunately, with beautiful encounters and support, all of the stars aligned in the divine marriage of my dream and practicalities of life, and my journey in my Life Work began.
For me and many others who are equally passionate about it, Pastel Art is an approach to life and nourishment of the soul. It goes beyond the technicalities of making art, aesthetics, and heritage. It is a pathway to tapping into the potential within each of us. This is a journey of embracing life with warmth and wonderment. When we live as the best of who we are, we begin to discover the abundance of resources in the world, which then will be a mirror of the vastness of our inner world.


最佳賣點 : 120張觸心卡+直覺觸心畫語手冊,啟動內在覺知旅程
