All About Nothing | 誠品線上

All About Nothing

作者 Elizabeth Rusch
商品描述 All About Nothing:無,即是有,因為空無一物,也就代表可以容納所有、擁有無限可能!在藝術表現手法中,空白處叫做留白,也叫負空間;一天中偶爾需要空白時間;人與人之


內容簡介 無,即是有, 因為空無一物,也就代表可以容納所有、擁有無限可能! 在藝術表現手法中,空白處叫做留白,也叫負空間;一天中偶爾需要空白時間;人與人之間會保留些許空間。空間、空白、空缺,看似無,卻有存在意義;具有開放性,可納進無限可能;容許想像、允許發揮創意、給人自由。所以,無,也代表無限;無,即是有! 作者伊莉莎白. 魯希是一位屢獲殊榮的作家。作品包括獲得銀行街教育學院年度最佳圖書的《充滿情感的生命樂章》。繪者伊莉莎白.高斯是插畫家也是剪紙藝術家。兩人合作的這一本繪本,要激發你的思考、品味生活中各種可能。An artful picture-book exploration of negative space and the beauty of nothingness. This mindful meditation encourages children to see the world differently. Nothing is really something! What might be hidden in the space around things, and how is that space important? In art, this is known as negative space, but “nothing” can be thought of more broadly—as free time during the day or the space between people. When we allow ourselves a moment of nothingness, we make room for creativity and so much more.


作者介紹 Elizabeth RuschElizabeth Rusch is the author of more than two dozen award-winning children’s books, including A Day with No Crayons, The Music of Life, Zee Grows a Tree, Volcano Rising, and Mario and the Hole in the Sky, winner of the AAAS Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Books, the Green Earth Book Award, the Cook Prize, and the Golden Kite Award.Elizabeth GossElizabeth Goss is an illustrator, author, and papercutter. Her picture book My Way West: Real Kids Traveling the Oregon and California Trails won the Paterson Prize for Books for Young People. A proud member of the Guild of American Papercutters, Elizabeth teaches art workshops across the Pacific Northwest and loves welcoming students of all ages into the world of papercutting.


書名 / All About Nothing
作者 / Elizabeth Rusch
簡介 / All About Nothing:無,即是有,因為空無一物,也就代表可以容納所有、擁有無限可能!在藝術表現手法中,空白處叫做留白,也叫負空間;一天中偶爾需要空白時間;人與人之
ISBN13 / 9781623543525
ISBN10 / 1623543525
EAN / 9781623543525
誠品26碼 / 2682351528006
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.8X23.6X1.1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 無,即是有,