Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Inspirational Quotes Black Women, Brown Women | 誠品線上

Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Inspirational Quotes Black Women, Brown Women

作者 Latoya Nicole
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Inspirational Quotes Black Women, Brown Women:,It'sfinallytimetohopeagainwiththisInspirationalcoloringbookbyLatoyaNi


內容簡介 It's finally time to hope again with this Inspirational coloring book by Latoya Nicole - Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Celebrating Black and Brown Women and it's the perfect gift to yourself.We all need hope. The good news is that as a believer our hope is in Christ Jesus because he is the hope of Glory. Give yourself permission to focus on kindness, forgiveness, love and your relationship with God. It is important for your spiritual journey. This Christian coloring book provides 24 beautiful illustrations and features inspirational quotes and refreshing reminders of how women of God incorporate Christ into their church lives, personal lives, and relationships.Take a break from the everyday challenges we face in this world and pull on the hope that is within you. Grab your Entrepreneurs Color too colored pencils and have fun taking time to hope again.Looking for more diversity inspired coloring books for adults? Check out the following books by Latoya Nicole: "Exhale", 24 Shades of Business", "Me and My", "80's Ladies", "Alma Mater", and "Holiday Slay"! Buy it for yourself or as a gift as a great way to unwind.


書名 / Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Inspirational Quotes Black Women, Brown Women
作者 / Latoya Nicole
簡介 / Colors of Hope: A Christian Coloring Book Inspirational Quotes Black Women, Brown Women:,It'sfinallytimetohopeagainwiththisInspirationalcoloringbookbyLatoyaNi
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781734879773
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781734879773
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 27.9X21.6X0.3CM
頁數 / 58
重量(g) / 158.8