Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teachings | 誠品線上

Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teachings

作者 Joseph Cheah
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teachings:,Thisisthemostcomprehensiveanalysistodateofanti-Asianracism,toldfromaCatholicperspective.


內容簡介 This is the most comprehensive analysis to date of anti-Asian racism, told from a Catholic perspective. Cheah includes relevant Catholic Social Teaching documents, comparing and contrasting the Asian experience with anti-Black racism. The heart of the book is structured around three major stereotypes: perpetual foreigner, Yellow Peril, and the myth of the model minority. These are examined from the perspectives of history, Asian American Studies, Asian American marginal theology, biblical studies, and CST.


作者介紹 Joseph Cheah is professor and chair of the department of philosophy, theology, and religious studies at the University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT. His previous books include Race and Religion in American Buddhism and Theological Reflections on "Gangnam Style" A Racial, Sexual, and Cultural Critique, with Grace Ji-Sun Kim.


書名 / Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teachings
作者 / Joseph Cheah
簡介 / Anti-Asian Racism: Myths, Stereotypes, and Catholic Social Teachings:,Thisisthemostcomprehensiveanalysistodateofanti-Asianracism,toldfromaCatholicperspective.
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781626984790
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781626984790
誠品26碼 /
語言 / 3:英文
頁數 / 192
尺寸 / 13.7X21.0X1.3CM
重量(g) / 453.6
級別 / N:無
裝訂 / P:平裝
