Until Heaven Parts Us | 誠品線上

Until Heaven Parts Us

作者 Alyssa Patterson
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Until Heaven Parts Us:Afterjustthreeweeksofmarriage,Ilostmyprecioushusband,Chandler,inatragicaccidentandbecameawidowattwenty-threeyearsold.Inthosefew,butbeauti


內容簡介 After just three weeks of marriage, I lost my precious husband, Chandler, in a tragic accident and became a widow at twenty-three years old. In those few, but beautiful, days of being a new bride, it felt as though my life was truly just beginning, and as swiftly as that blessing came, it ended as the two who had become one were parted by the thin veil of heaven. Our dreams of many years together came crashing all around me, and I was left with the shattered pieces of my broken heart. But, in my suffering, I found the sweetness of Jesus and his healing powers that carried me through my darkest days. In the journey of losing my husband shortly after becoming his wife, I learned that the Lord is ever present in our pain, and that heaven is made tangible in the sweetest ways when we look for it. I found that joy and sorrow can be held with grace at the same time, and as unheard of as it may seem, I found that I was not alone in experiencing the trials of grief.In this telling story of my happiest and most tragic days that fall far too close together, you will find that heaven is never too far, and that Jesus is with you in every moment.


書名 / Until Heaven Parts Us
作者 / Alyssa Patterson
簡介 / Until Heaven Parts Us:Afterjustthreeweeksofmarriage,Ilostmyprecioushusband,Chandler,inatragicaccidentandbecameawidowattwenty-threeyearsold.Inthosefew,butbeauti
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9798986299006
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9798986299006
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 184
重量(g) / 240.4
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X1.1CM
