The Swing | 誠品線上

The Swing

作者 Britta Teckentrup
商品描述 The Swing:鞦韆,永遠矗立在那兒等我BrittaTeckentrup布麗塔.泰肯特拉普溫暖之作從我有記憶以來,鞦韆就一直在這個地方。它大方地邀請所有孩子,坐上鞦韆,遠眺大海,看


內容簡介 鞦韆,永遠矗立在那兒等我Britta Teckentrup 布麗塔.泰肯特拉普 溫暖之作從我有記憶以來,鞦韆就一直在這個地方。它大方地邀請所有孩子,坐上鞦韆,遠眺大海,看雲,看海鳥,看波光淋漓;它任我們搖盪、聽我們嬉鬧、說笑。就這樣,我們的童年有它,它的回憶也滿滿的是我們。歲月流逝,人來人去,鞦韆也顯搖搖欲墜,但彼此心中溫暖的記憶,永遠不會逝去。Britta Teckentrup 布麗塔.泰肯特拉普,以柔和、明亮的拼貼風格,表達時間流逝的詩意傑作。A swing on a hill overlooking the water is at the center of this lovely meditation on childhood, growing older, friendship and loss. “The swing has always been in this place―ever since I can remember,” declares the narrator. “Here we stood together, looking out to sea, waiting for something to change. . . for something new, something exciting. But every day was the same.” But as seasons change and years pass, things do change. Friends come and go, lovers meet and kiss, spring turns to autumn, and the swing set grows creaky with age. All of these changes are gorgeously communicated by Teckentrup’s signature collage paintings that employ soft, radiant colors and simple yet powerful compositions. With its equally compelling text, readers of every age will experience time as a gentle but inescapable force, bringing about new experiences. And as the narrator grows older and wiser, readers themselves will understand that life’s most important memories can never disappear."


作者介紹 Britta TeckentrupBritta Teckentrup has written and illustrated more than one hundred and twenty children’s books, which have been published in more than twenty countries. Her books include Tree, Bee, Moon, Ocean--part of the ""Peek-Through Picture Book"" series, and Under the Same Sky, which was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Award. Born in Hamburg, Germany, she currently lives with her family in Berlin.


書名 / The Swing
作者 / Britta Teckentrup
簡介 / The Swing:鞦韆,永遠矗立在那兒等我BrittaTeckentrup布麗塔.泰肯特拉普溫暖之作從我有記憶以來,鞦韆就一直在這個地方。它大方地邀請所有孩子,坐上鞦韆,遠眺大海,看
ISBN13 / 9783791375366
ISBN10 / 3791375369
EAN / 9783791375366
誠品26碼 / 2682311794007
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X21X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
