內容簡介 This new SHRM Certification workbook delivers exam prep featuring real questions from previous exams. Forty retired test items used in past SHRM-SCP(R) exams provide certification candidates with exposure to the types of items they will encounter in the real exam, as well as feedback about correct incorrect responses. Also offers guidance about each item's difficulty level, which can help develop study and test-taking strategies.
作者介紹 Alexander Alonso, PhD, SHRM-SCP, Alexandria, Virginia (United States of America), is SHRM's, the Society for Human Resource Management, Chief Knowledge Officer and founder of SHRM's Better Workplaces Research Institute. Dr. Alonso is also the author of Defining HR Success and The Price of Pettiness. Nancy A. Woolever, MAIS, SHRM-SCP is the Society of Human Resource Management's Vice President of Certification with responsibility for exam development, certificants care, and testing administration. She has also edited two editions of Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam.