內容簡介 What is the key to successful living on Earth as in heaven? How do you make spirituality practical for everyday situations? This hands-on practical guide tells listeners just how to awaken the spirit in their lives and how to utilize that spirit in everyday life - covering everything you need to know from awakening to the soul to loving with discernment to identifying psychic influences to knowing the strength of the Light force and how to use it. Over 70 keys to practical spirituality easily found by using the accompanying in-depth index.
作者介紹 John-Roger, D.S.S., is the founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, founder and chancellor of the University of Santa Monica and of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy; he is also the founder and spiritual adviser of the Institute for Individual & World Peace. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows and been a featured guest on Larry King Live . He is the author and co-author of more than 50 books, including Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise, The Rest of Your Life, and Spiritual Warriorinspiration for the acclaimed film Spiritual Warriors. He lives in Los Angeles."