The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning | 誠品線上

有多痛, 就有多值得: 痛苦的價值及其如何為我們帶來快樂

作者 保羅.布倫
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning:"Thisbookwillchallengeyoutorethinkyourvisionofagoodlife.Withsharpinsightsandlucidprose,Pa


內容簡介 耶魯大學最受歡迎心理學大師,線上開放課程突破50萬人次本書顛覆你的認知――「痛並快樂」的體驗最迷人!生命的意義就是在快樂和痛苦之間,尋找一個完美平衡的「甜蜜點」誰說人性都是趨樂避苦?當痛苦煎熬可以替快感滿足鋪路,當享樂的欲望不敵追求意義的渴望,痛苦真的就是你想要的!----------------------------------------------看恐怖片情節越緊張精神越振奮?失戀歌曲越悲傷情緒越平靜?運動重訓時肌肉越痠痛心裡越爽快?山路越險峻登山者越是著迷?養兒育女催人老卻是甜蜜的負荷?工作平穩覺得無聊,花光積蓄遊歷世界還被偷被搶生命才精彩有意義?常言道,追求快樂是人的本性,痛苦理所當然是我們想要避免的。但有時候不盡然如此。人類確實能夠從許多負面的經驗中得到快樂,合宜的痛苦可以為快感鋪路,還能轉移注意力降低焦慮,甚至讓我們超越自我,展現韌性。我們的生活確實可以建立在痛苦上,原因在於人不只想要快樂,更想要做對的事情。痛苦和道德價值之間有強烈的連結,若一個正確的行動會帶來痛苦,這樣的行動會更有意義。想想那些人們自願承受的折磨和犧牲,如果這些事很容易又輕鬆,可能就沒那麼值得挑戰或經歷。本書以探索人類的自虐傾向為出發點,透過心理學和動機多元論的視角,結合精彩的實驗觀察與經驗分析,闡釋這個令人費解的人性面向。作者歸納兩種不同類型的自願痛苦,提出「人如何從負面經驗中得到快樂」的生動論述:為了追尋更大的愉悅而受苦;以及為了追尋生命意義而受苦。作者主張,在快樂和痛苦之間,有一個完美平衡的「甜蜜點」,那種苦中帶樂的體驗讓人神往,還能促進人與人的連結、作為社群團結和愛的來源、反映心靈深處的感受。而理解痛苦,思考什麼能帶給我們愉悅和滿足,我們會更正確地認識自己,更能夠掌控自己的生活。本中文書介出自《有多痛, 就有多值得: 痛苦的價值及其如何為我們帶來快樂》商周出版“This book will challenge you to rethink your vision of a good life. With sharp insights and lucid prose, Paul Bloom makes a captivating case that pain and suffering are essential to happiness. It’s an exhilarating antidote to toxic positivity.” —Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLifeOne of BehavioralScientist's "Notable Books of 2021 "From the author of Against Empathy, a different kind of happiness book, one that shows us how suffering is an essential source of both pleasure and meaning in our livesWhy do we so often seek out physical pain and emotional turmoil? We go to movies that make us cry, or scream, or gag. We poke at sores, eat spicy foods, immerse ourselves in hot baths, run marathons. Some of us even seek out pain and humiliation in sexual role-play. Where do these seemingly perverse appetites come from?Drawing on groundbreaking findings from psychology and brain science, The Sweet Spot shows how the right kind of suffering sets the stage for enhanced pleasure. Pain can distract us from our anxieties and help us transcend the self. Choosing to suffer can serve social goals; it can display how tough we are or, conversely, can function as a cry for help. Feelings of fear and sadness are part of the pleasure of immersing ourselves in play and fantasy and can provide certain moral satisfactions. And effort, struggle, and difficulty can, in the right contexts, lead to the joys of mastery and flow.But suffering plays a deeper role as well. We are not natural hedonists—a good life involves more than pleasure. People seek lives of meaning and significance; we aspire to rich relationships and satisfying pursuits, and this requires some amount of struggle, anxiety, and loss. Brilliantly argued, witty, and humane, Paul Bloom shows how a life without chosen suffering would be empty—and worse than that, boring. "


書名 / The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning
作者 / 保羅.布倫
簡介 / The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning:"Thisbookwillchallengeyoutorethinkyourvisionofagoodlife.Withsharpinsightsandlucidprose,Pa
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780062910561
ISBN10 / 0062910566
EAN / 9780062910561
誠品26碼 / 2682137364002
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.1X14X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 644.1
