內容簡介 You probably more or less know the basics of how to live a healthy lifestyle. Some obvious first steps include eating more greens and superfoods and cutting back on sugars and alcohol. Sleeping, meditating, exercising, and keeping stress levels low are other key ingredients in the recipe for wellness. It can feel overwhelming at times, but it doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it's possible to take a simple, realistic approach towards living a healthy lifestyle that actually feels achievable each day This book is an easy-to-read guide to help you stay healthy. Good health only takes a minute. It is the minute you walk out that door to exercise. It is the minute you fill the first glass of water for the day or the minute you choose to change old habits that are causing pain and grief. For your health's sake take a minute to read each page of the book, take a second to act on what you read, and remember there is no better minute to start than now.